Update to V2.113 - Changelog


Changelog 2.114

Dear Community,

On June 15th, 2016, we will update Grepolis to Version 2.114. Below are a list of changes we plan to make.


With this version we implemented a confirmation dialog when starting a new city foundation. Many players requested this feature since the foundation once started cannot be canceled.
Furthermore we fixed some bugs, did technical improvements and smaller features changes.
New feature
  • Technical improvement for faster town switching
  • Since foundation commands cannot be canceled, we implemented a confirmation dialog when starting the command.
  • If you minimize the "Highlight Options" window and switch between the map views, the window stays minimized now.
  • We reduced the starting volume of all Grepolis sounds. If you want to increase the volume, you can do so in the sound settings.
  • Using the "Delete all reports" function caused errors from time to time.
  • Some animations (e.g. festival celebrations) were not shown in the city overview automatically.
  • Newly colonized cities were not displayed automatically in the city drop-down menu.
  • When switching the alliance, the alliance forum was not updated correctly.

Please feel free to leave us feedback about the Changelog here.
Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team



Lol we have an EN mod on the US forums now. Did Lulu get canned?

The changes look good, especially the colonization thing. I still believe you should be able to cancel a colonization like you can cancel a CS or pull out of a colonization like when you have a city occupied (in conquest worlds).
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Lol we have an EN mod on the US forums now. Did Lulu get canned?

This has already happened in the past. When the US CM are on vacation for instance, one of the EN ones takes over for the interim :)


Looks like we have a few decent fixes. Let's get those alerts back though! And are we keeping the new guy? I vote make a change. Keep the new guy. We can only get better by doing so.


Hold on to your muffins. He is here