Trouble logging in


World: #Taras#
In Game Name: #Joeysweden#
Have check the known bugs list: #Yes#
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: #Yes#
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: #Works on cpu but not tablet#
Have you tried a diffrent connection: #Yes#
Full Version or Mobile Version: #Mobile#
Browser and Version: #No browser, I use the app#
Overview of the bug: #On my tablet, I tried to access my grepolis world that I started on my cpu, however after I logged in I could not see my world#
How often this occurs: #On Login#
Work Around: #Not quite sure what this means, but I can use my cousin to login if that is what it's asking#
Other Info:#Just to see what would happen, I joined a world on my tablet, and I could see it on my cpu#