Trash Talk Thread

  • Thread starter DeletedUser9662
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You have lost more players than most if not all alliances. I would say your alliance is certainly going down with out a fight. As for the statement on how come we dont go for a real challange? I didnt know we stopped warring with any one in this world. Petro--We have no bias on who we war. First time i call u out and u swing back with a whiffle ball bat. [report]78b7bce89860d5e009488f3cec73cdb9[/report]
Did u just loost that city? So letting your island mate get RIMMED while u saved your wall last time did u a lot of good?
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*yawn* you bore me little man. you beat your chest, you want reaction. congratulations, you have a battle honed group of bloodthirsty cutthroats and i have a few experienced people and a lot of part-time players. the experienced people are bailing too because it's a very slow world. not to mention the regular people who are being thrust into your one man spooge fest. do you use the same hand for your mouse? just curious.

your people earned my city with the 17 players who helped earn it. Hats off to Kolyavcong and predator1 and mynameisinigomontoya, yes, even to you. congratulations on having a better team. tis a pity you have no sportsmanship to say "hey, it's impressive how a loser like you petro, can be ranked #3 in defense"

its people like you that suck the fun out of games like this.


Its a trash talk thread! Get over it.

And number 3 in defense? Who's beating their chest now. 90% of your defense is from LTS getting pounded by me. When a high way barrier gets hit by a bus do u give it credit? You just got mack trucked and now out here crying. Dont like it, dont come to the trash talk thread clown.


LOL just read through this thread a little more and seen GOPE had commented on me. I was gonna stop with plague, but i can rattle some more off. Gope, what were u thinking sending over 500 DLU with only about 110 slingers to horse-of-odysseus. City you made attempt on had a wall over level 20. I ran the sim with militia and your CS would of made it through with like 20 land units.

There is a simulator in the agora section where u can see that sending so much defense with your CS is what a "CLOWN" would do. You lost so much rep that i had to ask myself why i even gave u props in the first place. Then i remembered you and your alliance patting yourselves on the back for taking out Isolated sails cities and messaging me like it was this giant victory. I cannot wait to face u GOPE. U might want to watch a few You tube Videos though that way you dont look as bad as you did against HORSE.

You honestly think I'm worried about that? Man, when you "call someone out," it had really better be more than petty squabble! The degree to which you are beating your chest is honestly looking more and more pathetic. You categorically dismiss any player victories while meticulously criticizing their defeats. I sent ~500 DLU and only ~100 OLU because that's what I had, and I play the game for fun and taking chances is fun. This clown has sent many CS with plenty of OLU for the conquest to be easily sniped 1 second after landing, which is essentially what happened during my first attempt on that particular city. But this time around, horse was getting much more support, and before my CS even hit my spies told me it wasn't going to land, but that's the beauty of this game. For every CS I lose, 2 of them take a city. Thing is, you can talk trash about battle reports because sure, numbers don't lie, but what everyone else in this thread has on you is they stand their ground - yes, that means even when you are at risk of losing! You'd just alliance hop and lucky for you the #1 alliance brought you in even when you were talking mad trash about them, and no, when your face is in the dirt you can't join N&F.
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I can see my job is done for these few players. Feathers have been ruffled for sure. I will go dormant till I find a new
Player to pick on. I just want u guys to bring your a game and possibly...repeat "possibly" try an op on me. To those of you I have offended its just the trash talk thread. I obv like to rile players up. I can't sit idle while players become strong with out any real accomplishment. We can all take cities yes, but can we all take them from a player who knows his stuff and do I dare say be online?


Well that was fun reading :p
Trash talk thread has trash talk in it, what a surprise lol.


I am calling Krazzy out from Warriors Of The Seas.

How is that coalition of yours going? Get anyone to join, because I know Fight Club denied you.

How about you stop sitting in your alliance, join the fight, and stop having the members of your alliance protect you from us, really? Cant stand the sight of yourself losing a city? Can you not fight a war for pete's sake? 3-0, soon to be 7-0, and another 4 cities after that. Come on, if you guys are Warriors why cant you actually fight like warriors? Unescorted attacks, players begging us to join, you about to run over to The Ancients, you got some smooth moves :p

EDIT: Just ran over to The Ancients XD
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I have not check this forum out in a few days. I was expecting some better trash talk. I know I get the attention of SoD. They don't have the balls to attack me outright so they send lightening bolts and earthquakes at me. I thought I was up against a real enemy. I must admit I am disappointed. Here is a list of the people who are afraid to send an attack at a online active player: demuus rex, mohamedazam, striider, ragnar82, hellbaniac, Bruno Stachel, rainmak3r(The Spy), sawatson, Pirate Rich, Robonidas, Warchimp, and Goodhead(I mean Headway). I even used Myrmadon Attack yesterday on an island with 1 Berserker city and 6 SoD cities to give SoD a edge. No response. Then I get the random SoD member who forwards me a Mass Mail I sent to my alliance. SoD is the #1 ranked Alliance but it is far from being the #1 alliance.

BTW, thanks for giving me the #1 Attacker of the Day award for yesterday. You guys make good canon fodder.
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You know plaguetower, you are so right. Several of those players you mentioned don't go after the really active players. Instead, they go after small cities whose owner is not very active or is a noob. I must say SoD needs to step it up if they want to remain # 1 till the end. Which of course will not happen. There are way too many alliances that want to take SoD out.

Just a reminder, the Marathon Monthly comes out in a couple of weeks. Those of you who won the lottery, if you have not claimed your prize you need to do so before the next issue. Good luck to all of you for the next round!


Alright, Lucifer's Nephew, I've held my tongue long enough. You think you are so awesome in this game, don't you? Well, guess what? You're NOT! Anyone of us in this world could have taken any of the cities you have. Why? Because of the size of them. The owners of them 1. didn't know what to do, 2. were not online 3. couldn't get the support they needed in time. I will give you props that you are an alright player. You know what you are doing within the game, however in my opinion regarding you in this world, all you are doing is picking on the little guy. Why don't you start taking some REAL cities for once and leave the little ones for Kylehob!


I guess its time for u to hate me again.....Lets begin now hand me the pen...

Speak of the devil its attack of the LN. Chainsaw in hand blood stan on my aprin. Soon as the blade spun u run away from......

dam claird im beginning to sprout an alph alpha. U come on here trying to wash my mouth out ya? My name? Done nothing of value? Not going to give petro the thought of beating my chest. Wait, where's Petro now? Vm mode, LOL because i do nothing of worth. All i can say is u can google me, can u google u before this world? And if i even knew who u were clair i would have something to say about u but i do not.

Plague^^^^which city should we attack? The one with over 4k DLU behind a 25 wall and most likely Leonidas? Or How about we send 16 hour CS to ur other cities because they are right on our back alley? LOL. U think ur so clever out here trying to goat my players into attacking a lost cause. U think because u killed 550 brims with one hit that u dissever to be player of the week? Your so selfish u attack a stacked siege to get the most bp not to actually kill it. Otherwise u would save those 300 LS for a siege u can actually break. Either that, or we can go back to me just thinking u are a clown and actually think u are benefiting any one but Sails and urself doing what u do. Your allies certainly dont benefit from you using LS to "NOT" kill sieges. Such a waste, such a pretty nuke that coulda actually put the hurt on a siege but u choose to burn them for BP only.

So dark and so cold....
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For one, I never said you do nothing of worth, I said the cities you have been taking are not worth it. For 2, my name is not Clair! And I'm glad you don't know who I am. But boy do I know who you are. Apparently, you need to do your homework. I do mine for this game, cuz that's how you learn about the enemy.


LN, I will work on getting another city closer to the action. Then you know I can't Leonidas in both of them. I changed my profile some so maybe we can have some more people in here. This forum is so much better when we have more people chiming in. The only person really PM'ing me is mohamedazam.
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Guest cities were for strategic positioning. I was and am planning on the future not the now. I dominate worlds stick around time will tell. U and your boyfriend still don't compare to how often I'm checking stats. Fact is, wind blew u off my desk and I didn't feel the need to pick it up.

I'm sure you will keep countering so next one ill have so e deeper thought for ya so I can send ya into vm along side my best budy petro


Im sorry i just cant help myself im back again. Plague took a city on border of 65 from a guy Sails took in and never alerted us meaning he was never playing with us in first place. ANy way, plague takes a city so epicly far from sails i had to come out here to put him in his place. Plague, it is 100% official. U are not any one's biggest threat. U are a straight up red nose, rainbow wig wearing, funny colored clothes, Clown! U named the city big SOD loss 2. Explain to me how taking a city with a CS travel time of 20 hours or so to the nearest Sails city is a loss for us? Some guy was recruited and u get given yet another city and yet come out saying its an SOD LOSS. You honestly make me laugh. U are comparable to some rich young teen ager burning gold and LS nukes for only one purpose. Your own glory city count. U dont strategically send ur LS at any one. U just gold and trade, which yes, ill give u credit for the trading. However, u are the weakest top rank i have ever seen, and prob the dumbest. You can have all of stw cities and name then what ever u want, none are a threat to us.
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I hate to be the barer of bad news, Luci. But if the city was under the SOD banner then it's a SOD loss. :p