Trash Talk and Rumour Mill


You are on to something SupaFletch.

BoB is rumored to have pacts with Molon and Noobies, and they are trying to merge with the ADs because they came to this server with a small group of assassins, but the lack of drama and success in ops involved in that is never fun.

IronToast specifically sent tickets to support trying to get his ign changed to AD Toast. No ToastAD. He especially wants this because people in the externals don't know who he is anyway (see above. Obviously a cause for concern that the Grepo universe does not know him) AND he is a simmer at heart. Once everyone's IGN is changed, they can complete the merger.

Btw. I don't know IronToast either.

Where do you come up with this stuff lol?

I have no idea what the others are doing but the AD's will not be merging with anyone. I also know Irontoast has never had any intention of being involved with the AD's. If he did why would he spawn on the complete opposit side of the world??? I do like the part where you called us assassins though, that part is totally true


Where do you come up with this stuff lol?

I have no idea what the others are doing but the AD's will not be merging with anyone. I also know Irontoast has never had any intention of being involved with the AD's. If he did why would he spawn on the complete opposit side of the world??? I do like the part where you called us assassins though, that part is totally true

Are you suggesting I made this up?!?!?! All the cool kids are talking about it.

Anyway. Let me be clear - I am referring to BoB as being the small group of assassins. I'm saying that being in a kick-butt, small group of assassins who accomplishes goals and steam rolls the enemy (BoB) is boring. That's why they are looking for the change.


Actually, it's been a blast so far lol. Everyone is very active and very responsive. All Ops get help. We lose a CS here and there, but our success/fail ratio is pretty decent.


Are you suggesting I made this up?!?!?! All the cool kids are talking about it.

Anyway. Let me be clear - I am referring to BoB as being the small group of assassins. I'm saying that being in a kick-butt, small group of assassins who accomplishes goals and steam rolls the enemy (BoB) is boring. That's why they are looking for the change.

I'm not saying your making it up necessarily, but you are repeating what someone else made up because everything you mentioned about the AD's and about irontoast changing his name to an AD handle is false.


These Kraken rumors are silly.


Rumor has it that half of the top 10 alliances are so scared of hot women, Nori, that they are going to sell out their integrity by working with AD and attempt a hairy hot woman beat down. It makes sense that these boys would be so intimidated since for most the hottest woman they know, and still live with, is their Mom, and they are probably mad at her because she keeps asking them to get a job.

Hey boys. No need to be so threatened by a woman. Become a real man and handle your business without a narcissistic megalomaniac telling you what to do. He's just threatened because Nori and her horsey friend are actually talented and hot. Meanwhile he is hiding in ambiguity among some decent players with no self-esteem.


Rumor has it... Hairy Hotties were chosen as most influential alliance to rule Idalium and whole Grepolis from now on! The new graphics were added to represent our values, all your cities will be turned to hairy or hot!!! No one can stop the spreading of Hairy Hotties!



What do you expect in a world where our "wars" thread is all about who has naps/pacts with whom (Hotties don't have any), and where the rumors are that everyone is going to team up against them. Burn that island down!


Eh, we will be teaming with no one when we meet. It can be just us :)


You get me grepcited when you talk like that Toasty. That's why I rate your alliance as #1, if I take mine out of the running. :)


so I literally posted here my CQ (burning hot city above) and no one cared to break the Siege :eek: I'm beyond disappointed...