The Doom Reaper Burden
These guys are just a bunch of MRA trying to show others that they are a strong alliance...High on average but to many players in there alliance which will lead them to a fail in this world...Not high on ABP so that means not the whole alliance is fighting and also seems other alliances are trying to take them down as they are high on DBP...eNeMy
Good average and also good points and enough players..For now as they have stoped recruting i think they wont be added into the list of MRA for now..Also good fighting power that means they are high on ABP and working on controlling oceans which is good for an alliance..They will be around for some time...Illuminati
Despite there name already being used in almost every grepolis server they have a good start with their average high and also few players and being in the top 5 is not a bad start...This is the alliance i would join if i were to play this world for a long time..Also they top the ABP ranking that makes them a very elite alliance...The P3N3TR4T0RS
I dont know what to say about this alliance as it has over 150 players and still less than 150,000 points so it is a fail...From the name to the players i will say they wont be around for long exept if they throw out the players that are inactive at 300points...From the Ashes
We have our self another Great alliance which will be around for a long time..few players than the alliance above and higher average i would say they should be here for a very long time..From their players working as a team this would also be a very good alliance..third on the Abp is very good looking for them...The Dragonborn
Coming in strong now they need to work on getting higher on the ABP and get hold of a core ocean and they might also stay for a long time...Low on ABP but I know if they work hard and stop recruting for a while i think they will turn out to be in the top 3 alliances in the ranking and also dominate..Crimson Warriors
Good players and high on average.,.Need to work on their ABP and they might just be a strong alliance as the second one...They need to focus on fighting and ruling also seems they wont be a MRA and they will also stick around for a long period of time and maybe dominate the world...+REP IF YOU FOUND THIS GREAT IF NOT JUST IGNORE AND GO FISHING