Heroes of Rome
Core: Their core is almost non-existent at the moment. They have two islands in eastern 45 with a few members as well as another island in west 55 with a few members. The rest of the alliance is scattered, ranging from 1-3 members per island all over in 44, 45, and 55.
Location: There was no key location i presume, if so it was not executed. They are very spread out for a speed 2 world.
Overview: Majority of their players are only growing by few points if at all. Almost a non-existent core and a lack of activity and plausibly a lack of organization leads to me conclude that Heroes of Rome will SINK
Monsters Inc.
Core: They have one notable island in the 45/55 border, however, their players are scattered around the origin of the map. It seems to me the players were mass recruited during the beginning of the world. Relatively poor core.
Location: They are located in the origin of the world, fairly squished between all alliances. Somewhat a good thing for ABP but they will be a target for everyone. If they cannot coordinate and snipe well it won't end well.
Overview: Monsters Inc. have a few solid players that I recognize who mainly focus defensively from what I can recall. Just like Heroes of Rome they are fairly spread out and seem to have a lack of coordination or they were mass recruited players. Their activity levels are very spotty. They will SINK as well.
Dank Memers
Core: Again another alliance with a spotty core. One or two main islands in the northern part of 55. However relatively spread out within ocean 55 and around the origin spreading into 44 and 55.
Location: The ocean 55 and 54 border seems to be the most contested area so in return their survival will be based on communication and strategically taking cities. Seem to be right next to the core of the next alliance, Storm Dragons Reborn.
Overview: Due to their location with a spotty core in a heavily contested area they will survive for a while, as they have a few solid players but in the long run they are likely to SINK
Storm Dragons Reborn
Core: SDR has a very tight core on the border of 55 and 54 close to Dank Members' core. For the exception of a few players scattered near the origin of 44 it is a very solid start.
Location: As stated above they are in a very contested spot on the map, close to Sinn Fein as well as Dank Memers. This area will be very interesting to watch progress after BP ends.
Overview: SDR is full of a lot of players who I've seen consistently talked about as solid, aggressive, and experienced. Overall they will have a decent task to overcome between Dank Members and Sinn Fein. However, due to their experience and core they will prevail. SWIM
Sinn Fein
Core: A fairly respectable core, they are located just north and east of the 55/54 border farther away from the origin than Dank Members and SDR. They have a few stragglers but they are relatively central to a few islands.
Location: Again much of the same between SDR and DM, it will be heavily contested.
Overview: They have a few notable players with spotty activity, their player average is not up to par to the other 3 alliances above, however, I believe SDR and DM will battle it out first. Therefore if Sinn Fein can stay active and build up as necessary they will FLOAT
Heroes of Olympus
Core: They have one solid island in western 45 however just like their partner alliance Heroes of Rome they are very spread out. Ranging all over the map.
Location: Along with their partner alliance they are fairly spread out in 45 which so far doesn't seem to be too big of a problem since there is relatively no one but HoR in their area.
Overview: Due to the lack of activity they will either merge with HoR and fall with them or they will break off and fend for themselves. However due to poor activity and virtually no core besides one island I find them floating then eventually falling out. SINK
United Cartel
Core: Really have no core whatsoever other than they are located in the eastern and southernmost part of 55. Not much to say about that.
Location: They are in the heavily contested ocean 55 but they are not as close to the origin as the others. They will put a fight where they are but will be overrun eventually due to them being dispersed.
Overview: They seem to be fairly slow at growth. They do not have a core whatsoever, mainly just a sense of direction. I don't recognize really anyone I could vouch for as a great player. Therefore SINK
Suicidal Swimmers
Core: Located in northwestern 44. Just like SDR they have a solid core with a few random stragglers ranging all oceans around the origin.
Location: Relatively no competition in their area so I see them striving in the current state of the world.
Overview: They are fairly active with a few notable players I recognize, again they have a strong core with plenty of food to eat. I see them doing well in ocean 44. SWIM
Mustache Riders
Core: A two island core with no stragglers. Relatively perfect with just enough food for out of the BP to lay over until taking a few cities.
Location: Outermost part of 45 currently until more and more players join, relatively no competition.
Overview: Of course I have a bias since I am part of the alliance, we started at noon on Saturday, two days after the majority of other alliances and we are gaining fast. Of course no other than SWIM
Brotherhood of Islands
Core: BoI has one solid island in the mid range of 55, though they do have quite a few stragglers.
Location: Again another alliance in the heavily contested ocean 55, will be interesting to see them survive.
Overview: They do not seem to very active, growing little so far. They may give the other alliances a run for their money if they can keep out of the main conflict for now. SINK
Core: No core at all. Very spread out among ocean 44
Location: They seem to be food or possibly a merger into Suicidal Simmers.
Overview: Really nothing impressive about this bunch unless I am missing something. They are a definite SINK
Core: Another alliance in the 55/54 border with a great tight core.
Location: Along with SDR, DM, Sinn Fein, and BoI they are in the most contested area on the map by far!
Overview: They are very similar to Brotherhood of Islands just with a stronger core, they seem to be a toss up alliance along with BoI again, FLOAT
Another alliance that is notable is TGIF. They are currently ranked 13.
Core: They have a tight core along the 55 and 54 border
Location: Again they seem to be smack dab in the middle of the ocean 55 and 54 border dispute. It will be a good contest to see!
Overview: They are one of the most active alliances in the game with a few heavy gold users. They will be a solid alliance if they can cooperate and plan out their conquests well. They will either merge into another alliance or dominate. Eat or be eaten kind of situation! Though I believe they will SWIM
This took quite a bit of time so +rep would be appreciated! Just to reiterate that these are my opinions and are not a reflection of my alliances perspective as a whole! This list will drastically change a week or two after BP! thisisgrepolis