Top 10 Alliances(NEW)


Oh my looks like Black legion is loosing cities , oh what is that 3-0 or was that 4, gosh i cant remember they are falling so fast hahahahahahahahahathisisgrepolis


Oh my looks like Black legion is loosing cities , oh what is that 3-0 or was that 4, gosh i cant remember they are falling so fast hahahahahahahahahathisisgrepolis

Let's look at the facts:

1) You've been preparing to fight them ever since you betrayed them and the pact was broken. King wasn't preparing to fight you because he didn't want to. Just didn't want to deal with you bums anymore (and I know this because a little birdie in blood told me).

2) You outnumber King's team 3:1 (with BLR included)

3) You surround King's team in every area and are his neighbors on almost every island he's got people on.

The score is 3-0 you guys. IF King's crew was winning off the bat like you guys are, I'd be seriously worried about you guy in Blood because that'd show how pathetic you are. But hey, you needed an academy to fight him anyways because you couldn't do it without some help so there's that as well 8)

But don't worry, show isn't over Bloodb.

P.S. BTW, didn't I mention before how you pick on the little guys? Well even though King's strong and has a great crew, he's much smaller than you. Thank you for yet again, proving me correct. #iWin


Paul , I mean king you are pathetic, a complete joke. you talk a big talk but you don't back anything up with real game play, talk talk talk that is all we get for our money , or do you sing and dance too , you are a flipping scared little girl and you think you are all that and you little band of black legion all you can do is hide , go ahead and hide little girl , let the big boy take care of business. I call you out right now , attack me if you are man enough. oh if you are girl enough wussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssup
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Aren't you the same guy who begged King to remain friends and tried to keep him as a friend a while back when you first betrayed him? (but then told him to go F himself (indirectly) after you guys attacked his people and he wasn't happy).

Blood, please. You wouldn't even compare to anyone who is actually good. Like I've said before, you pick on the little guys, and you've done nothing but lie and betray people whom trusted you (and BL overall). If anyone's pathetic it's you because you can't play the game straight up and be honest. You have to be deceitful and dishonest to actually do anything worth noting lol.

At least VF actually doesn't lie and has my respect.

BTW, I love how you dodged my points because I'm right and you're afraid to admit that or don't want to because you don't like me and think like the silly bum you are, you think I'm King. So you're taking out your terrible play and anger of me, at him. Loser much?

Grow up Kiddo. I've got better things to do than "attack" you. Even IF I was King, I wouldn't. You're not worth the fight because you'd crumble and fold the second anyone sent any kind of REAL fight to you. Plus you'd have ALL of your alliance send you support. You want pathetic? Go look in a mirror. Think you're good, when ANYONE (literally) sends a CS at you, don't even post about it. Save yourself or shut up.

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Aren't you the same guy who begged King to remain friends and tried to keep him as a friend a while back when you first betrayed him? (but then told him to go F himself (indirectly) after you guys attacked his people and he wasn't happy).

Blood, please. You wouldn't even compare to anyone who is actually good. Like I've said before, you pick on the little guys, and you've done nothing but lie and betray people whom trusted you (and BL overall). If anyone's pathetic it's you because you can't play the game straight up and be honest. You have to be deceitful and dishonest to actually do anything worth noting lol.

At least VF actually doesn't lie and has my respect.

BTW, I love how you dodged my points because I'm right and you're afraid to admit that or don't want to because you don't like me and think like the silly bum you are, you think I'm King. So you're taking out your terrible play and anger of me, at him. Loser much?

Grow up Kiddo. I've got better things to do than "attack" you. Even IF I was King, I wouldn't. You're not worth the fight because you'd crumble and fold the second anyone sent any kind of REAL fight to you. Plus you'd have ALL of your alliance send you support. You want pathetic? Go look in a mirror. Think you're good, when ANYONE (literally) sends a CS at you, don't even post about it. Save yourself or shut up.


Just more talk , and no action that is all you do i guess. As for everything that comes out of that hole in your face it is all a lie so i will not respond to any of that nonsense. what did i expect i guess , you won't even admit your identity , i guess because you are afraid little girl. hay when you grow a pair ill be ready , but i am not holding my breath...
Black Legion
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^Exactly what have I lied about?

And Sorry, you want me to admit something that isn't true and I don't lie. Part of the reason why I have a lot of friends in this game. Because I'm honest. Even if I kill you, or you're an ally. Unlike you for example [as I provided those examples in previous posts].

Again, you're terrible. You just said "so i will not respond to any of that nonsense.". Yet here you are responding to my "nonsense". You even went at me in a different thread that's meant for uplifting people when I actually praised you. But again, because you're so terrible at this game and don't have a clue, you thought I was mocking you..

Go home.


i am not wanting you to admit something that is not true it is, and everyone knows it , they are laughing at you for not admitting it yourself but we are waiting to see if you are man enough , but i guess not. i personally think you have never killed anyone , example is your attacks at me last knight , you wasted away 27 LS , really !! that is all !! come on , you got no skin in the game , you really need to commit more to your attacks , i would try planning it out , but that is just me lol.. I am starting to think you are a simmer
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I'll admit simming is fun lol.

Again, as for me attacking you, I'm in your alliance lol. Don't think it'd be too bright a move for me to do that lol.

I know King attacked you though. He did 3 LS for a reason. haha. He got you to waste your favor points though so I'd say he won that round ;)


so that is all you are willing to commit to the battle , pretty weak , you better just keep simming. you are a total mad man simmer i bet you just Sim everything in you path don't you , like you said you kill everything in your path but then attacking is not your stile , sitting around simming is your game , so how can you attack everything in your path when you are a simmer. that attacks with 3 LS. as for wasting my favor it was only one spell but i was giving you the benefit of the doubt, i thought you were Man enough to attack me , but i guess you are busy defending yourself against my alliances mates that are attacking you , and we will take your cities it is just a matter of time , its inevitable Anderson. as for the favor i make so much i have some to waste.


so that is all you are willing to commit to the battle , pretty weak , you better just keep simming. you are a total mad man simmer i bet you just Sim everything in you path don't you , like you said you kill everything in your path but then attacking is not your stile , sitting around simming is your game , so how can you attack everything in your path when you are a simmer. that attacks with 3 LS. as for wasting my favor it was only one spell but i was giving you the benefit of the doubt, i thought you were Man enough to attack me , but i guess you are busy defending yourself against my alliances mates that are attacking you , and we will take your cities it is just a matter of time , its inevitable Anderson. as for the favor i make so much i have some to waste.

Anderson? Matrix reference?

However, you seem rather upset at every post you reply to me to. I think I'm doing my job well lol :) :p


Hey Paul I know who you are in the game you sent me a message once and I just remembered who you were