The Zookeepers - Soon to be taming the wild of O36


The Zookeepers

So I decided to come back to grepo after a short 20+ month hiatus. New account, new server, ahh fresh starts are nice aren't they.

I plopped down in Ocean 36, and after surveying my surroundings I decided last night that the opportunity was ripe to form a new alliance; there were 7 other actives on my island who have joined to form a nice core for the fledgling zookeepers. Now I'm looking to expand via recruitment to nearby areas.

I aim in this alliance to be serious yet still have a fun and non-threatening alliance atmosphere; that being said I fully expect Zookeepers to become the dominate alliance in O36 (for starters!) that's just how I think.

As for the qualities I look for, active and positive communication trumps all; in my experience nothing else is more determinate to an alliance's success. The ability to work as part of a TEAM; an alliance is not a tool for one to use to further one's own success, it is a team that works for the collective success of all members.

If my experience matters to you, well I made this screenie compilation from my old account lol

If you have any questions, feel free to post here or PM me, and if you'd like to join the team, let me know and I'll hook you up with a registration link.

Happy grepoing,

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GOod luck with your alliance! :)
Hope you do well in the rim. :)



:) yeah, the rim is a good place to remember previous skills. ;P


:) yeah, the rim is a good place to remember previous skills. ;P

Haha indeed, as I'm sure my skills could use some sharpening. I used to be able to snipe with the best of them ..but now I'm sure I could use some practice haha.

The funny but frustrating thing is, when I came back I didn't realize that it directed me to the us server and not the en, so I kept trying to log in and it kept saying that it didn't recognize the player so figured it got deleted for not be accessed in so long and I made a new account. But when I realized what happened I logged into my old en one and there's still 5000+ gold on it lol but I already added some to this new one. But ah well maybe I'll play an en world sometime haha.

Lol I haven't been forgotten *wipes tear* xD
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