The Weekly Alliance Name Change Show!


PSYCHOPATHIC are now called BLACK LISTED 2. Its original isn't it ? :0)


My night before doom:

It twas the night before doom all through the alliance. Evey member was sturing even the mouse. People were hung on posts without care in hopes other alliances would conquer us there. Nobody could nestle in beds that night while visions of death would dance through their head
me in my cap reading im innocent dont kill me. We all knew I would be the first to a long long nap. When out in the ocean arose such a clatter I sprang into action to see whats th matt. Away to my boat I flew like a flash. Untied the rope and threw my self in and closed the latch. The moon shining brightly on the ocean that night I saw death in. A distance coming my way but it wasnt till midday They I saw the swarm. They had many hoplite, slingers and light ships for warmth. With a massive strong driver driving those ships no more quick rushing im. Through that was it.


My night before doom:

It twas the night before doom all through the alliance. Evey member was sturing even the mouse. People were hung on posts without care in hopes other alliances would conquer us there. Nobody could nestle in beds that night while visions of death would dance through their head
me in my cap reading im innocent dont kill me. We all knew I would be the first to a long long nap. When out in the ocean arose such a clatter I sprang into action to see whats th matt. Away to my boat I flew like a flash. Untied the rope and threw my self in and closed the latch. The moon shining brightly on the ocean that night I saw death in. A distance coming my way but it wasnt till midday They I saw the swarm. They had many hoplite, slingers and light ships for warmth. With a massive strong driver driving those ships no more quick rushing im. Through that was it.

What? I mean.....what?


Now that you mention it....a tequila sounds quite good actually ;)