The Sons Of Zeus


Djarv stop lying to everyone... you sent me like 69 invitations... you sent Kyle 68. It is getting on my nerves. But good luck with your alliance.

I think he likes you 1 more then he likes Kyle then!! :) <3


Yes xpert you have a secret admirer (me):p

Right back at you... (my fist) the admirer want to meet your face... lol I am just kidding. Your admirer wants t meet some Vae Victus and White Tiger Emporium... they have meet some fist's from Infection and SC lately...


Yea... right now. If you want to be a more successful alliance you want to make a few ops. (operation involving strategy) When your members get up to CQ ready points then you will want to set up plans to clear a big city for the CQ ready player... also you may want to find an enemy (alliance to target) that is near you and about your alliances size. Just a few suggestions so you can ensure that you have a good group and ops. keep every player involved in the process.