I am Charl's alter ego. You are accepted.
DeletedUser Guest Mar 3, 2014 #46 Yes Scientists are going to come up with the solution to cancer! Jk lol maybe
DeletedUser6486 Guest Mar 3, 2014 #49 Hey charl sign me up, I'm just testing and will probably quit in a few weeks
DeletedUser Guest Mar 4, 2014 #51 We have gone SW. Please join soon and send Renvall or if Charl is there him saying you are from the forums. Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2014
We have gone SW. Please join soon and send Renvall or if Charl is there him saying you are from the forums.
DeletedUser5088 Guest Mar 4, 2014 #52 Join plz now we are getting too far apart http://us.grepolis.com/invite-1430382-us33?invitation_id=263466&invitation_mac=62bf914e&ref=player_invite_linkrl
Join plz now we are getting too far apart http://us.grepolis.com/invite-1430382-us33?invitation_id=263466&invitation_mac=62bf914e&ref=player_invite_linkrl
DeletedUser5088 Guest Mar 5, 2014 #58 how rude on the other hand....what happened to most of this alliance :s (they never joined)
DeletedUser Guest Mar 5, 2014 #59 IO, is this your doing? It has 'IO' written all over it........in crayon..... lolololololololololololol
IO, is this your doing? It has 'IO' written all over it........in crayon..... lolololololololololololol