The Rhoan Times


I can see I was definitly wrong about Astartes, sorry to all of the Astartes out there, great alliance I see.


What do you mean? I was wrong about 1 thing, lol, now I am wrong about everything?


Every alliance you have commented on, you have been wrong about.


Every alliance you have commented on, you have been wrong about.

Well, seeing you are the all-knowing person around here, enlighten us; what is the way things are? Please, elaborate. I'd love to read the 'real' version you'd be able to supply me with ;)


I was just making predictions, and I picked Pid over Rhoman Empire, was I wrong in that? I am pretty sure most of my guesses were good. And thank you Acupuncture,


Well, seeing you are the all-knowing person around here, enlighten us; what is the way things are? Please, elaborate. I'd love to read the 'real' version you'd be able to supply me with ;)

The all-knowing person around here award goes to me obviously :p


Where did I said I know anything o.o

I don't make predictions a week into a server. A month maybe. Need to wait till things start to sort themselves out. Why am I talking to someone who isn't on this server, or is posting under a different name.

Grover...that would be the other one. And how you keep going on and on how RE is good and not a MRA.


Because a lot of the players are in another world I am in and am in their alliance and they are good players.


PiD will take the lead in points in about 2 days, Prediction, and Will last longer.


Seems we have a difference in opinion on what a good player actually looks like.


Funny how both of you responded multiple times here and read the newspaper but you didn't bother with +repping it . :p


I don't make predictions a week into a server.

Then how can you say someone else is wrong with what he's said about other alliances? That looks like making an assumption to me; the assumption that someone else is wrong on his/her assumption, therefor making your assumption either slightly different or the complete opposite.

Followed by;

And how you keep going on and on how RE is good and not a MRA.

Where you make the assumption RE is a MRA.

If you're going to contradict yourself, at least don't make a fool out of yourself the way you just did.

And why you should be talking to 'someone who isn't on this server'; perhaps because I have 3 years of experience, both as 'average joe' and alliance leader (go ahead, check Xi stats;) ). You can just ignore it and show ignorance, of course, but you might just learn a thing or two from actually opening yourself up to input from other people.

Alas, back on-topic: The newspaper was moderate. Good to see you've interviewd a few people, but - not trying to be mean - there wasn't a lot of 'exclusive' news in it; most likely because the server is still quite new and there's not a lot to tell yet.

Try finding some trash talk, diplomatic status and stories/information outside of the core oceans. I don't play this server myself, but I'd like to know more than just the events of the core oceans, even if they mightn't be too interesting for those that have nothing to do with it.

Other than that, keep up the good job you're doing.


Then how can you say someone else is wrong with what he's said about other alliances? That looks like making an assumption to me; the assumption that someone else is wrong on his/her assumption, therefor making your assumption either slightly different or the complete opposite.

Followed by;

Where you make the assumption RE is a MRA.

If you're going to contradict yourself, at least don't make a fool out of yourself the way you just did.

And why you should be talking to 'someone who isn't on this server'; perhaps because I have 3 years of experience, both as 'average joe' and alliance leader (go ahead, check Xi stats;) ). You can just ignore it and show ignorance, of course, but you might just learn a thing or two from actually opening yourself up to input from other people.

Alas, back on-topic: The newspaper was moderate. Good to see you've interviewd a few people, but - not trying to be mean - there wasn't a lot of 'exclusive' news in it; most likely because the server is still quite new and there's not a lot to tell yet.

Try finding some trash talk, diplomatic status and stories/information outside of the core oceans. I don't play this server myself, but I'd like to know more than just the events of the core oceans, even if they mightn't be too interesting for those that have nothing to do with it.

Other than that, keep up the good job you're doing.

hahahah Some on who can speak and tell us the ugly true ....+1 and sorry that i cant give rep. again! ;)


Predictions do not equal assumptions. No matter how you try to word it.

RE is a MRA. There is no assumption there. Ohhh...3 years of exp...whoppie. So, you are saying you know how to run a MRA on Xi. Good for you on your #1 ranking <2 months into a server. Color me unimpressed.


RE is a MRA. There is no assumption there. Ohhh...3 years of exp...whoppie. So, you are saying you know how to run a MRA on Xi. Good for you on your #1 ranking <2 months into a server. Color me unimpressed.

I think you are confusing MRA with Large-Scale alliances. A MRA is a bunch of unorganised, unexperienced people, that were recruited without a single question asked; by blindly inviting whoever is in the near vicinity. Large Scaled alliances are just as large, but actually look at who they're inviting. Rhoman Empire seems to be a large scale alliance, from what I've seen on Grepostats. Decent average points, and they're not shy for battle either -mainly offensive BP.

As for my alliance on Xi, I'd say the same. We've voted on every single member, we've chosen our playerbase carefully. We've been taking out MRA's since the day we've created our alliance, and I'll just keep quiet about our Kill rankings.

However, if that still can't impress you, I'd suggest you to look up who has thrived on Alpha well over 14 months and built 6 out of 7 wonders so far, together with the #1 alliance.

Now that I'm busy on Grepostats anyways; I'm kind of puzzled you are talking down an alliance like Rhoman Empire, whilst you're in an alliance that isn't even mentionworthy. But I guess I'm the 'noob' here ;)