You need to make up your mind buddy now the forums or for trash talk?This forum is a place to talk about people's exploits in game. Thats why this is here.
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You need to make up your mind buddy now the forums or for trash talk?This forum is a place to talk about people's exploits in game. Thats why this is here.
Didnt you notice IC had to reform cause they were getting killed. Immortal Alliance also fell apart. It was only a matter of time til IA died as they were literally negative tens of thousands of points every day from losing cities. Sadly we cant get in the Riot part of the battle yet, but we will with time. Although you might want to read what arep said about not helping u guys to set up for taking u out in the future.
Alicia, That post is over the top. Game trash talk is one thing but you are getting personal.
Alicia, That post is over the top. Game trash talk is one thing but you are getting personal.
And I agree with the chests of gold thing. Ive seen 5+ reports all coming from the same city in under 5 hours. Each attack consisted of some type of nuke. I think he wasted almost 3000 slings, 1000 hm, 700 ls, plus more and all that came from the same city in a little over 5 hours. It was ridiculous lol, Hes gonna be broke by the end of next year if he keeps up the pace.
Geees Flip, the first nail in IA's coffin was YOU deserting your team mates for the sake of your ever increasing ego. You left us all holding the bag simply because the senate wanted to vote on a recruit that you did not want in our alliance. You threw a tantrum and took all your Alpha buddies and formed Ass-cension in the middle of the night, (btw I have the Skype notes to prove all this so don't test me) Of course that was not enough for you. You had to turn on your former mates and try to get the coalition we had been a part of to turn on us. (what a guy huh?) Meanwhile you have side deals with your "supposed" enemies in Elite. Not hard to take an alliance down when you do it from the inside huh? That was the point of bringing in all YOUR alpha buds right? Because you made sure they were YOUR buds.. whatever. As for your great prowess? How many active red targets have you taken? King of Inacts! You talk crap about every body including your own alliance and are not to be trusted. As for the rest of you reading this.. I can tell you that he and his top guys spend chests of gold to win and also used a spy from IA in order to get the upper hand against IC and IA. Flip will do whatever it takes to win Kappa. He does not play, Fair, or with Honor or Respect.
I'll give you this. I'm sure you will be on the winning side of Kappa. And I'm sure you will take all the credit too.
Sounds like someone is bitter... I wonder if it's because you voted Flip out just to see your alliance fail after. You were not a very good player and all the Alpha guys knew it. We would try and help but some people think they know it all.
oh and please enlighten me as to what you alpha guys had to help me with? I only remembering helping you Cupz.
Voted Flip out? That's not how it happened.. but it does not surprise me that you would be confused.. as for not being a good player? You are one to talk.. at least I know not to attack when I have a -30% attack quest going.. and how many of my CS did you snipe? none.. but I got yours my friend!! And I also know that you can recall a spy.. which I was happy to inform you of since you did not know that.. I mean c'mon man.. that's pretty basic stuff don't you think? But you keep remembering things how you want to. And I can see how you would appreciate flip.. since he gave you all those cities.. in fact... i recall giving you your fist big point city in Kappa and no I was not responsible for the Academy. My only regret is that I don't still have the battle reports from where I sniped your CS.
oh and please enlighten me as to what you alpha guys had to help me with? I only remembering helping you Cupz.