Sink or Swim


Please don't post until world opens.

This is to post whether you think the an alliance will survive or fail. Please base this on the top 12 alliances. I also want to see activity in this thread.


Here's my predictions on the top 5

1. Legion of Death-Will never be destroyed
2. Storm-Will be gone after a few months
3. Immortal HUN Warriors-Will be out of the top 12 or gone once revolt gets going
4. Out of Chaos-Will be destroyed in a war with LOD
5. Insidious-Will continue to grow in 55



I'm 100% sure that i'm wrong on some of these alliances, everything can happen xD
I just think it's fun to take some wild guesses :p


my prediction is out of chaos and their 50 pacts fall fast

lod and huns battle it out pretty intensely. LOD wins, and by then under the radar is large enough to go head to head with LOD.

in the end LOD and UTR fight race to win


haha xD
I'm 99% sure that's not what's going to happen xD
But ofc, i left 1% out because i may be wrong ;-) LOD and OOC will probably fight sometime and i'm positive that LOD will win, but the rest is probably not going to happen like you said.


Here's my predictions on the top 5

1. Legion of Death-Will never be destroyed
2. Storm-Will be gone after a few months
3. Immortal HUN Warriors-Will be out of the top 12 or gone once revolt gets going
4. Out of Chaos-Will be destroyed in a war with LOD
5. Insidious-Will continue to grow in 55

Wild guesses... but not without sense...

I think in this first period ABP lists are more important, the alliances that can farm more cities get more ABP, and develop faster...
So right now promising :
2 Immortal HUN Warriors
3 Insidious
4 Storm

My short-term prediction:
1 LEGION OF DEATH <<< swim
2 Storm <<< swim / might sink
3 Out of Chaos >>> sink
4 Immortal HUN Warriors <<< swim / might sink
5 Myrmidons >>> sink
6 Insidious <<< swim
7 The Nightmare >>> sink / might swim
8 The Shadow >>> sink
9 King Kong >>> sink
10 Sons of Kronos >>> sink

As for Hungarian Alliance will be out of top 12 :), don't give your hopes up!


ABP rankings are crap right now. All that ABP is from island quests. Once protection goes off though, that's when the fun begins!


The ABP ranking doesn't mean a thing atm, but the ABP itself is damn nice ;)
I got enough CP for 3 cities already thx to it :)


I always get stuck with the quests that get you no BP at all...


The faster you complete those the faster you get those with BP ;)
I have completed more than 50 quests in a comprehensive way :p You only get abp from those xD


Not exactly... The world opened on a Wednesday ;)
The earliest BP can end is a little less than 21 hours :)
23 hours for me though, so i got time to clear my whole island without even being able to get attacked :-D


yeah i'm on one of the closest islands to the center and mine was right at 21 when i responded the first time. it's definitely not 1, although i wouldn't complain if it was ;)

oh yeah, staying on topic. my alliance swims, everyone else's sinks. except leo's... maybe :)


It's not "my" ally ;-)
I was just the first member to join :)
After K.O. founded it.

And i'm quite sure the world opened just around 6 PM, i got my link 10 minutes past 6, but i joined at 8:30 PM :p


yeah i'm on one of the closest islands to the center and mine was right at 21 when i responded the first time. it's definitely not 1, although i wouldn't complain if it was ;)

oh yeah, staying on topic. my alliance swims, everyone else's sinks. except leo's... maybe :)

Thanks for the kind words lol - very, very modest though lol