Sink or Swim


Sink/swim hasn't been made yet - which I can see why with this few players lol
I figured I'd try (and fail miserably)

1. The Redcoats - My alliance so I really shouldn't say too much - but we clearly have the best core around so far. So far we are 4-2 against Light Brigade, 5-0 against Jeep, and 12-0 against the 3rd alliance of that coalition, Golden Eagles. Clearly I'm biased, but when 2 enemy players gold up 18k slingers to barely make a dent in a LMD siege - I kinda feel like we gonna be a SWIM, especially against the current opposition

2. The Light Brigade - Clearly they have some interesting names - lethal probably won't be around for long ;) and he seems to be one of the only ones capable of doing much. LB hasn't started coring up a whole lot yet, maybe their leaders are going with "new endgame, new strategy" logic... although that doesn't seem to be the way to go. LB is currently losing 2-4 to The Redcoats, but are up 5-0 to DOA so despite not having a solid core, aren't doing to badly. FLOAT for the time being.

3. Jeep - Where should I even start with Jeep - Jarry using his life savings to break LMD sieges? - not having a solid core at all? Jeep has always seemed to be the friendly MRA of the world. They took a lot of random players early on, and it's coming back to bite them. Jeep is currently 0-5 against The Redcoats, and 3-10 against DOA. Due to their bad location and current war scores? SINK

4. Dead On Arrival - They were right - this world is pretty dead already. Shame too with decent speed, anyways, DOA seems to have the 2nd best core currently, and have established themselves up North by a temple. I see a few familiar names here from Squad in Lato, and they were the best players in that alliance there. Currently 0-5 against LB, 5-0 against Golden Eagles, and 10-3 against Jeep, they seem to be a pretty good location right now, where they can continue coring up before expanding onto more unfriendly islands. SWIM

5. Apocalypse - I must admit I don't know much about them. They seem to be starting a good core down in ocean 45, without any big alliances around they should have no problem clearing up the area. Apocalypse appears to have the easiest location in the entire map, by far, and haven't really had any wars yet, due to their location, I'd say SWIM

Trust me, I know how bad this is lol.... forgive me ;)
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Nice Going shock good info so far on a light world as of yet.. One more thing to add LIGHT BRIGADE leaders did it again friended the world JEEP and GOLDEN EAGLES are together with LB> Its this that kills worlds, just make a run and go at it....
A lot of things can happen like always but its predictable so far


While it has been clear there are 4 alliances banding together since the start of the server, Jeep has now entered CIVIL WAR. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right! CIVIL WAR. Jeep has either kicked everyone out except the founder, or it's member has boycotted... There is now a 5th alliance known as " Real Jeep ". What happen between these 4 sister alliances? We may never know.


While it has been clear there are 4 alliances banding together since the start of the server, Jeep has now entered CIVIL WAR. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right! CIVIL WAR. Jeep has either kicked everyone out except the founder, or it's member has boycotted... There is now a 5th alliance known as " Real Jeep ". What happen between these 4 sister alliances? We may never know.

I still say the "Cereal Killers" suck


Its time we did an update on this, my turn I guess.

1. Cats in hats / Dogs in clogs - This one is a bit complicated, looking at the rankings they are #1 but looking at their war scores they are just getting demolished by DoA and RC alike. Most of their good players are in VM, they are bleeding cities and seem to be in first place only superficially as they are losing in just about every metric except for points right now. They are by far the largest alliance by members as well at 76 members total. Eventually they won't be able to outgrow what they are losing, its only a matter of time, but for the time being they are going to sit on top of the points leaderboard. FLOAT for a couple more weeks then SINK

2. Redcoats / Olympus - RC has 55 on lockdown and is extending hard into 45 while they also push into the cats in 54 lightly, they have great temple combinations for their myths and the players of theirs that I know are solid players no doubt. With their constant wins and great positioning its no doubt they will be one of the top contenders in the endgame. SWIM

3. Dead on Arrival / Lawless - Bias warning.... DoA is in 44 contested by the seuss gang but with how quickly they are losing cities to both RC and DoA its only a matter of time before they have 44 locked down and are pushing 54. Good temples it seems with a good combination for rebuilding but not too much in the area of troop buffs, maybe that will change soon ;)... Clear that DoA is here to stay, will likely be one of if not the only challenger to RC in the endgame. SWIM

4. Kings Guards - Pretty out of the way but decent coring going on down in south 55 / south 45, they have lost a few cities to RC but seem to be doing alright down there. Don't think they have a chance in the endgame but they will be around at least for a while before RC reaches their borders. FLOAT

5. Atila's Goonies - Former pact member of the LB/GE/JEEP/AG coalition that seems to have been left behind... The majority of their good players are now in Seuss, and they have been completely evicted from SE 44 by DoA which has a 35-0 score on them.... ouch... Seuss has a 26-1 score on them but at least AG managed to get one out of them... They only exist in the outer rim of 44 where they founded early in the world, they are basically gone already. SINK

Beyond these above are just smaller alliances with <1M points and are irrelevant in the Sink/Swim thread tbh. Even including AG was kind of a reach lol...
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2. Redcoats / Olympus - RC has 54 on lockdown and is extending hard into 45 while they also push into the cats in 54 lightly
Good job with this! I was going to make a new one a couple days ago but got lazy lol.
Only thing I'd say is RC has 55 on lockdown, not 54 yet :)
But I agree with like everything in here lol, well done :)


Good job with this! I was going to make a new one a couple days ago but got lazy lol.
Only thing I'd say is RC has 55 on lockdown, not 54 yet :)
But I agree with like everything in here lol, well done :)
yeah thats a typo i meant 55
ItsFriday add GOATS IN OVERCOATS they are allied and with C n D , otherwise great job.. Good too see other alliances coming in hopefully they can grow


Wasn't aware GOATS IN OVERCOATS was allied with the Seuss Squad, actually, I didn't even know they existed.

But good to know :D

