Problem with Captain and Farming Villages

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This is not a Bug - BUT is an important issue.

Farming Villages


The Demand button is too close to the 8:00:00 time select

Today I for the second time (last time was over a week ago) I selected the 8:00:00 time then pressed demand.

There is sometimes lag or delays when you press the Demand button and a player can get into the habit of pressing demand again.

Two ways to fix this problem.

Add an IFF that puts a background color around your selections so you KNOW what has been selected (is easy to miss that ITTY BITTY green check mark).

and/or Drop the Demand down a bit so there is MORE separation between the 8:00:00 and the Demand Button.

Best would be the IFF (Immediate If statement) for color and dropping the Demand button a little.

Thank you for listen to a little bit of a rant - but lost 8 hours of farming -- :) :)


You are welcome to post things like this in gameplay questions, but please do not post stuff like this in bugs if it is not a bug. Thanks.

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