Most Over/Under Rated Alliances and Players


Most underrated player has to go to ccmayo92. He's a young lad but he plays hard and has a heart of gold. #31 player and the #12 fighter and that is by far more respectable than being the #1 player and the #46 fighter. The kid gets upset easily with words but he is a real asset and don't know if everyone sees that.

Conversely, this fella Steve The Great being the #1 player and #46 fighter is laughable. I am firmly in the boat of fighting for what you get in this game and this player appears to be simming and paying Grepolis for slots. Which is fine, I know that the Grepo guys need vacations and all that but I would love to see more fight out of the #1 player in a world. For me, if I saw and attack from ccmayo92 I would be far more worried than if it were from Steve The Great.

Just my 2 cents.


Oh Al my darling. How are you doing? You try so hard to harp on that gold spending issue. Why don't you just drop it? It does you no good. You are a very good player without it lmao. Maybe if you get a real job you can run with players like Trav and Mordred. They will teach you how to spend it. Don't even bother asking me how much I spend. I spend more on gold in this game than you will make in your entire lifetime. It's the only reason I'm good here. Just for the records I spend a crapload of gold. Is it illegal? Nope last time I checked it was built into the game. So their you have it. Your alliance still stinks.


Oh Al my darling. How are you doing? You try so hard to harp on that gold spending issue. Why don't you just drop it? It does you no good. You are a very good player without it lmao. Maybe if you get a real job you can run with players like Trav and Mordred. They will teach you how to spend it. Don't even bother asking me how much I spend. I spend more on gold in this game than you will make in your entire lifetime. It's the only reason I'm good here. Just for the records I spend a crapload of gold. Is it illegal? Nope last time I checked it was built into the game. So their you have it. Your alliance still stinks.

Silent 1- Al 0


Mayo is a heart "of gold" that's what he uses hehe ;)

lol as we speak I have 5 gold. If you think I am such a golder come get some big guy you know where all of my cities are Ill show you a simmer :)