Milestones of Kappa

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1048
  • Start date
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Player Milestones

-Polis Count-

2 Towns: mflip234
5 Towns: mflip234
10 Towns: Republics
25 Towns:
50 Towns:
100 Towns:
250 Towns:


1,000 Points: mflip234
2,000 Points: mflip234
5,000 Points: mflip234
10,000 Points: mflip234
25,000 Points: Willem-Jan
50,000 Points: Willem-Jan
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Attack Battle Points-

500 Points: desire90
2k Points: TheMagus
5k Points: mflip234
10k Points: Willem-Jan
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Defense Battle Points-

500 Points: LordNektarios
2k Points: mflip234
5k Points: mflip234
10k points: DanHatch
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Total Battle Points-

2k Points: TheMagus
5k Points: mflip234
10k Points: mflip234
25k Points: Nestle
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Militia Kills-

5k kills:
10k kills:
25k kills:
50k kills:
100k kills:

-Alliance Milestones-

-Polis Count-

50 Towns: The Red Dragons
250 Towns:
500 Towns:
1,000 Towns:
2,500 Towns:
5,000 Towns:
10,000 Towns:
25,000 Towns:
50,000 Towns:


60k Points: The Red Dragons
180k Points: US NAVY
360k Points: Detente
500k Points: Detente
1 Million Points: Detente
2 Million Points:
5 Million Points:
10 Million Points:
25 Million Points:
50 Million Points:

-Average Points-
(Must be in top 15)

1k Points: The White Lions
2k Points: Ouroboros
5k Points: Ouroboros
10k points: Ouroboros
20k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:

-Attack Battle Points-

1k: Nexus
5k: Nexus
10k: US NAVY
25k: US NAVY
50k: Nexus
100k: Detente
250k: Detente
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

-Defense Battle Points-

1k: Greek Freaks
5k: Nexus
10k: Nexus
25k: Nexus
50k: Nexus
100k: Elite
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

-Total Battle Points-

5k Points: Nexus
10k Points: Nexus
25k Points: Nexus
50k Points: Nexus
100k points: Nexus
250k Points: Detente
500k Points:
1 Million:
2 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

Miscellaneous Milestones

First Little War (25 Conquests on each side):
First Big War (50 Conquests on each side):
First Major War (200 Conquests on each side):

First person to...

Conquer an active player (2,000+ pts.): Willem-Jan

Conquer an inactive or ghost player: mflip234

Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 15+members):

Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 50+members):

Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):

Win Personality of the Month:

Rim a Mod (has to be active):

Alliance Miscellaneous Milestones

First alliance to...

Build a World Wonder:
Build 2 World Wonders:
Build 4 World Wonders:

Conquer 50 cities from another alliance:
Conquer 100 cities from another alliance:

Take 50 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Take 100 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):

Achieve 1,000 colonization gains:
Achieve 5,000 colonization gains:

Top their ocean's player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min):
Top global player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min.):
Top two of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
Top all four of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):

To have a Public Coalition formed against them (three top 12 alliances must all be over 400k pts.):

Post 10 PnPs:

Credit for the idea goes to Njubs(Osl112), -Achilles- (EN server), and King Leo

If you would like to report a milestone please do so and i will check it.
If you would like to add more feel free to ask and i will add it.

And did i mention; +rep to anyone who helps

This is a work in progress, Patience is a virtue
+reps are appreciated.

Need proof for every milestone claim!​
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Tyler I know there is already a milestone thread but since that player has been inactive and hasn't updated his, I don't want this world not to have it milestones recorded :)


If the thread is updated I will sticky it, if it isn't please PM me or Tyler and ask about re-making one.
I would have appreciated it if you PM'd me first to consult me on this, but so long as you keep it updated, I have no problems with it. Looking forward to an updated milestone list.;) After some time, if you are continuing to update the list, message me about sticking the thread.


Wow I can't believe I missed what Aliyah wrote, sorry about that Tyler. Anyway I will keep the list updated daily :D


btw i was first to 2k. and u might want to watch today since bp is off. its war time!!!


btw i was first to 2k. and u might want to watch today since bp is off. its war time!!!

Hmm I see, seems like it ended about an hour or so ago as most people have little or no bp but thanks for the heads up I will be watchin closely then :D


"Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member)"

I hope this has to be with over 50 members - otherwise I'll claim it for doing it to a little 6-member alliance.


"Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member)"

I hope this has to be with over 50 members - otherwise I'll claim it for doing it to a little 6-member alliance.

lol Yeah I copied this milestone thread from someone else, I would assume that to do a major sabotage the alliance would need to have at least 50 players.


Mflip234 first to second polis (I think)

Oh yeah he is, thanks for reporting the milestone :) Not to sure if he conquered the city or colonized though since grepostats doesn't have any stats for this world for some reason yet :(


Why he'd take a sub 1100 point city is beyond me...

The leader of the alliance actually sort of threatened one of the Nexus players. So I figured it would easy to just remove it from the island I was on. To be honest, I also dont want to take a city in which I have to completely fix someone's academy either at this stage. Dont worry I will work to take bigger ones...


mflip234 is the first to 5 cities, and the first to 10k points. US Navy is the first alliance to 180k points.


Guess no one is keeping up with this. I believe i got the 5k abp, 10k total bp, 10k pts, 5k bp. :) Just a few to update. :)


Willem-Jan is the first player to 25k points, Detente is the first alliance to 500k points, Nexus is the first alliance to 50k dbp, and Nexus is the first to 100k total bp.
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