Manticore Reinforcement Reward not working


The Manticore reinforcement is supposed to give 4 per hour for 4 hours (16 total). I have 39 minutes left and have received no Manticores. Am I doing something wrong or did the rest of my troops eat the Manti's when I wasn't looking. :(

Edit: The timer ended and I only ended up receiving 1 manticore total.
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Are you sure you had the available population? One manticore requires 45 farm spaces.

Also, sometimes the game does not refresh the troop count instantly, try to open the support/attack window to another city and they might appear.

If you did have the farm spaces and they didn't appear after you opened the attack window, contact the support, they will be able to tell you what the problem was :)


Thank you Kyllmen. :)

Just after I posted this I did contact support directly. I was disappointed in their reply. It seems that in order to receive the reward that I activated I would have had to have 720 total population available, which I did not. The reply was that the Wiki addresses this and hopefully I can avoid the same mistake in the future.

My solution to avoiding it in the future is to refrain from spending money with Inno, lol.

As a new player, I had no idea that this was necessary. In addition, I purchased this reward with real money and I feel that it is unacceptable to allow something like this to happen with items purchased by credit card. I've been navigating the labyrinth of links and reading the Wiki and forum like mad trying to learn everything necessary, but this game is complicated (which is what I initially love about it!). I guess lesson learned and I'm glad I learned it with such a small amount. I hope future new players don't get caught by this (hopefully unintentional) exploit of the initial knowledge gap.

-sad Grepolis player
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Thanks Kylehob. Maybe they deserved to die, I didn't really have time to get to know them well.