Make a New Type of World

  • Thread starter World Master Warrior
  • Start date


I want to make a different type of world than just Hero World and Warrior World, Grepolis should make 'Master World'.

'Master World' will only allow players with high points, developed their city completely, received all awards (not including hero world award).

I think this would be a good idea because we never had a Hero World so a 'Master World' will make it fun, this world will also make it easier to see which players are elite players and so the elite players can have fun together instead of just being with newbies.
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2 problems.

1) There will be a hero world. (I figure by the 10th world here, if we're fortunate.)
2) Do you know how many people have all the awards? Yeah, not many. Take, for example, Island Overlord. Most people take over an island as a for the heck of it goal, and the more elite ones don't waste that CP until the world nears it's end. What elite player would be proud of that award?


even if there IS or is not a Hero World, the Hero World will be made in the future so since alot of people have elite skills, it'd be good to prepare those players for a future Hero World.


Wonder if you realize that hero world is open to anyone who can fulfill some rather tiny requirements by most elite standards. And you've yet to provide a solution to problem 2, which in itself pretty much negates any chance of this happening.

Oh, and what level of the rewards do you think should be needed? The best possible, or just having the general award? Regardless, it cause the exact same problem regarding the hero world. Not enough people can enter yet (heck, I'm not even sure if anyone can enter yet), which in turn means the idea is moot.

Sorry if I seem harsh, I'm merely pointing out what flaws I can find. I'd rather not have a flawed idea in the game, if it somehow gets by the devs.


well the more people learn the game, they will have all awards (solution is problem 2). And your answer to your question was already said all awards, but I'll change it so all true awards (what i mean is not awards like you already opened a present in the christmas calendar)


I believe you aren't even aware of all the rewards. Here's the wiki article.

With that solved, let me ask you, would you rather have someone who has killed 250 enemy units, or 250,000 enemy units in your elite world? Or what about the Island Overlord, do you know how rare that reward is, and how only a small fraction of players have it? Or what about Victim, being conquered in less than a week? (I believe the timeframe is longer than a week actually) Are all these supposed to be done in one world, or spread out over multiple? Oh, and what about the wonder awards? Does someone need to be a Master of X (where X is a world name) to be able to join?

Let's put this simply. You're essentially proposing a world with stricter requirements than the Hero world's requirements because there are currently no Hero Worlds on the US server of Grepolis, but there are currently no hero worlds on the US server because not enough people (By Daedalus' reckoning anyhow) with the requirements fulfilled.


There are a lot of Awards that even the most experienced or 'Elite' players do no aspire to. But even if that were not so, limiting the potential players in a given world is not something that should be encouraged. Not if we expect Innogames to continue to grow and prosper, thereby keeping Grepolis alive, well and growing

A better solution would be improving the existing criteria for Hero worlds to make these worlds more attractive to "Advanced" or "Elite" players. The current criteria is too low and includes "Colonization" (as an example of possible improvement) There are many people in this game (with more than 100 Conquests) who have never Colonized and would never consider doing it. Colonizing takes no special skill, anyone who can complete a Conquest or Revolt has already surpassed this skill.

I think there are a lot of ways that these criteria could be improved without limiting the interest in participating in Hero Worlds and might in fact encourage more "Heroes" to participate
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