Looking to learn how to play


My previous online game drug of choice was closed down recently (Civ World via FB). I am looking for a new fix, but would like to be able to remain employed and married, so not wanting to go too crazy all at once with endless hours online. Are there groups willing to spend time teaching new players? Or are most players now 'experienced' and few new players come into the game any more? Just curious.

If there aren't, how soon should I expected to be 'farmed' as a new player?

I am in Ocean 44. This is my first game. Only made one mistake so far.....well....one really obvious one to me.


I know Psycho Pandas has taken in some new players, and is helping them along, but other alliance I cannot say. We are located in 055/65. You might want to look around your ocean, see which alliances are near you, and which will you benefit the most from.
The best way to learn is to read guides, and then experience it. I would recommend looking in the player's guides section, there are some guides in the wiki, and I also recommend Grom's Blog..

As to when you can expected to be farmed is dependent on the players on your island, but you can assume as soon as BP is over.


Sorry, but i had ,my fill of teaching newbies. but good luck in finding the right alliance for you


You didn't have to answer if you were just gonna say no...
If you do, you should offer him some advice at least.
What do you know anyway :p 'Joined Jun 2013'


well on the en/net server i've been playing for a bit more than 3 years, but now i've moved to this server.

advise in joining the right alliance, find an alliance with a leader who knows what he's doing, the biggest alliance isn't always the best they're probably just newbies who can click on invite a lot. and make sure the alliance is close to you. this link will help you find out if the leader is experienced. just type in the copy and paste the name and click search http://grepointel.com/


LOL, no offense taken King Leonidas. I went through periods where I enjoyed teaching noobs in my last game and periods when I avoided them. The advice is good. I have been spending time reading various docs for newer players on the forum. The game is obviously well developed with many hooked players. I would be fine with getting my first city and game hammered to the earth simply as a learning experience.


I'm online a little more than I'd care to admit, so feel free to message me in-game with any questions or whatnot :)