Looking for Alliance


Hey Folks, I'm jumping into this world and looking for an alliance to join. Won't be playing a ton until the summer but even busy and joining late I would guess I will do rather well :p. Send me an invite link to your alliance along with a little info mainly the experience of your leaders.


Greetings Peterpanic its nice to meet you

I think you might be interested in joining my alliance Murica as I believe we meet your criteria.

My alliance is ruled by two players Xejis and I. We both played grepolis several times for months at a time on several servers so we hopefully meet your requirement of experienced.

Currently Xejis and I are located in the 44-45 border and since we just joined our only other two members are in 45 and 55.

We are a new alliance but hopefully you will join us and make us that much more powerful.
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No one wants to join your alliance
That's why there's only 3 people in your alliance


Welp I'm going solo with my friend for now, have a little fun harassing the big guys. Good Luck to our neighbors.