LOL! Malcontents


I was a member of Malcontents alliance and was getting really bored with them never doing anything so this morning I noticed Bayou Britt had sent a spy s I decided to attack his smallest city. Fun stuff! I was getting ready to change worlds and find some excitement anyway. I went to the alliance forum to see the response and thought they had kicked me out I think they disbanded or something!! BB, no hard feelings! you're gonna kick my a$$ here shortly. Have fun.


That is so stupid. You had one attack Bayou (a she) so you thought your alliance would actually freak out? She was in VM as of yesterday, came out, and supposedly is going back in shortly. You are making a big deal out of what seems to be nothing.


that stinks. Bayou comes out of vacation mode to pick up a ghost town only to go back into vacation mode? is that how she is going to play the game from here on out? if it is, that is kinda sad. why play a game you are not going to play? The mods should watch that, or only allow people so many vacations. Because then you will get all these small city players doing this all the time so they don't get farmed or don't lose cities.


There is a limit of vacation days you can take (that can be extended with gold).


Wow! so she could be spending money to play a game that she is barely playing?! Am I the only one that finds that kinda dumb? or is their something I am missing? That mindset does not make much sense to me... I must be missing something.


No, you're not. It's just a player who finds the pride more important than dying a faster death, so she chooses to make it slow and painful. ;)


ya, but why play the game? you have one player that is paying to slow down the game (which is already the slowest) to a virtual stand still. Then you have everyone else that is playing who thinks why should I play when you have players playing once a week because they are in constant vacation mode.

I would think that the game rules would have something to prevent this. It ruins the gaming experience. I don't know this shows a flaw in the Grepolis gaming, mods being powerless in preventing poor gamesmanship etc etc. Could you imaging what would happen if everyone started to do this? This world will never end. This type of game play on Bayou part makes me understand why some people are leaving this game for other games (not worlds, other games then Grepolis) that prevent this sore loser game play.

It sucks she is ruining the Grepolis game play experience because she is angry. Kinda pathetic.


Each player gets 42 vacation days a year which can be extended to 56 by using gold. It takes 48 hours for vacation mode to take effect. She can be attacked just like normal during this time. Her resources, buildings and troops do not increase while in vacation mode. Which means when she logs in you have about 3 days to do as much damage as possible before she goes back into vacation mode. But if you are letting one player dictate your playing on this world then you are soon to quit anyways so why cry in the forums about it?


Jimo, please don't be so sensitive no need to say people are crying. It shows a lack of character. I am talking about others that are leaving because the world is slow and boring (Luckly they are not people in my alliance but are in others). My alliance is pretty active and has plenty to do. I don't like it when people quit worlds for any reason. You want people to play people... Idk, maybe you have fun attacking cities that are now unmanned or picking up ghost towns, many people don't. And that is your choice jimo if you like playing sim games, more power to you. this is a war game and people want to go to war. Granted you are right when you say their is plenty of other cities to go after. It just annoys some people (which I cant blame them) when someone attacks them, then the attacker goes into VM. ( I do appreciate you and Boyd clearing up some of the details for me with the rules in regards to VM). That being said, I am sorry to have offended you Jimo. My intention was for clarification and to see how common this was since players in google chatrooms were talking about it. Bayou was just the example I used because she is in my world and is under constant attack because she was able to upset almost every alliance she has been in or talked to at one point or another. As one person put in on here (one of the Grepolis forums) "it takes skill to make the whole world not like you" Now I don't know Bayou, but from what I have seen on here and what she has posted.... she seems kinda out there. Now that is me drawing an assumption from the forums. Does not mean I am right, but when the whole world and almost every single alliance does not like her... I don't think I am too far off.


I believe you can have 112 days of vm. Activate the 56 days when the first year is ending and you will automatically be given 42 more for the second year of playing. All about timing ;)


Let her keep paying gold (if that's what she's doing) to be in vacation mode. Means she's spending real money which only helps the game out more anyway :)

Also, it makes a person appear cowardly when they go into vacation mode to avoid attacks. Man or woman up, put on your big girl or boy panties and fight!
It's not like you can't start over here or in another world after all.

Ahh well, just gonna have to be that much more strategical (yes, I know that isn't a real word) in order to bust her down. Plus, let her keep grabbing up ghost towns or whatever it is she's doing. Gets them built up some and gives the rest of us more attractive opportunities to go after.


Let her keep paying gold (if that's what she's doing) to be in vacation mode. Means she's spending real money which only helps the game out more anyway :)

Also, it makes a person appear cowardly when they go into vacation mode to avoid attacks. Man or woman up, put on your big girl or boy panties and fight!
It's not like you can't start over here or in another world after all.

Ahh well, just gonna have to be that much more strategical (yes, I know that isn't a real word) in order to bust her down. Plus, let her keep grabbing up ghost towns or whatever it is she's doing. Gets them built up some and gives the rest of us more attractive opportunities to go after.

Who let you out of the cage?