Little Advice



New to this game but I have played many like this. I was wondering for some help and friendly advice from some of the experienced players. My question is, does it pay to bring the senate to max in order to cut down on building times or should I just bring it up to the minimum in order to build what I think I need.

Naturally I am not as lucky as some of you players who spend their mortgage to cut building times lol....

Thanks ahead of time for any help....


the fastest way to build is to level the academy to 13, research the two crane and architecture and then level the senate to 24 (which you will need for thermal baths anyways).


so after getting the academy to 13 and researching build the senate to 24, even though those builds are very timely it will pay off in the long run with cutting down times on the other builds, correct?

Thanks datepalm....

PS- loved your name review I was laughing hysterical...


sorry for the late response,

mathematically, those investments cut down on build times across the board. each level the senate goes up, the construction time of buildings decreases. so hypothetically, the fastest way to build a city (without considering resource cost) is to level the academy to 13, research the two researches, then rush the senate to 24.

get yourself some farm and warehouse levels in before that though. you need to be doing things while you build the senate, focusing on killing the quests and island fights.

and thank you