Gosh you are stupid lol. And from what i understand, BB has been on this server longer than most Cl@@@@@@s, so those abp/dbp stats dont take that into consideration. For an aliance that begs players to join all the time and "have the best" players, you guys sure do a lot of begging. SVP is garbage compare to c********s, and they havent fought anybody without BB holding their hand.
P.S. If BB is so much better than everyone else, why did they kick you guys out to slow down WW? Seems like you guys werent prepared. Meanwhile an alliance with a bunch of first world players is making the world sweat lol.
If SVP is so much better than C*********s, why do their top players stats suck so bad compared to the top c********s players? They have BB holding their hand and their stats still suck. Maybe 1 or 2 guys in the top 20 while c********s have like 6 or 7. I mean the 2 SVP simmers in here arent even in the top 20 for anything lol. Just awful