Island Quest Help (ANSWERED)


Good evening! I am new to the game and have just encountered the Riddance of the Poor Island Quest. As part of the quest, I have the option to provoke a small group of hostiles consisting of 32 Slingers; the ingame message declares that they will attack me as soon as I provoke them.

My question is this: is the script for the battle ran such that the 32 slingers attack my city, or is it ran such that I am the attack. I ask this because my city is very small, as I just started last night. I have the ability to defeat the slingers on the offensive, per the simulator, but on defense they will kill more of my units than the quest is worth. Knowing if the script treats me as the defender or attack makes a very large difference, per the simulator.

I appreciate any help you can provide - thanks in advance!


Good question :). Once you hit provoke, the slingers will attack your city. he easiest thing to do is activate militia. You do this by clicking on the farm. The militia should kill most of the slingers :). You want to make sure you have your offensive units out of the city, so slingers and horseman if you are starting early. Make sure to keep swordsmen in the city as they will also help :).


Ah, I didn't even think about militia! Appreciate the help!


Good question :). Once you hit provoke, the slingers will attack your city. he easiest thing to do is activate militia. You do this by clicking on the farm. The militia should kill most of the slingers :). You want to make sure you have your offensive units out of the city, so slingers and horseman if you are starting early. Make sure to keep swordsmen in the city as they will also help :).

Exactly what he said but to add, if you find that neither selection suits your needs in future you change them with premium or alternatively select one then wait around 24hrs without actioning it and it will dissapear.


You can technically just sit on it for 15 years until you have an awsome military.