Is it finally all over


HAHAHA IM noT Little. I Am BIGGER. sTupid Little SpaM GirL. Fist me insteAd of Talks.
@boothead @dvitia Where Am I ?

She is noT AS BIG iN LifE. I Have Seen Her Undressed. She is Smaller ThAn ME. HAHAHA I AM BIGGER.

I Will Show IF you Do Not Say I AM Stronger. SpaM GirL. Porn Actress. HAHAHA.

I cAn See.
Inno up in here protecting a filthy porn star pffft… Sad times..
Everyone is banned brother. They went through threads and connected peeps, even peeps that didn’t make a comment have been taken out…

Only one person didn’t get perma lmao. Just a joke.. Never playing this crap again.

Hydna is belles mom… Fact, corruption in play, just like Charlie said.
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Senior Citizen
Inno up in here protecting a filthy porn star pffft… Sad times..
Everyone is banned brother. They went through threads and connected peeps, even peeps that didn’t make a comment have been taken out…

Only one person didn’t get perma lmao. Just a joke.. Never playing this crap again.

Hydna is belles mom… Fact, corruption in play, just like Charlie said.
Corruption. Lol, yeah right. Charlie said it so must be true.. inno mods are out to get the rule breakers, oh, isn’t that their job? Lol lol you guys are funny!

you creeps and belle


lol took me about 25 min to figure out how to do that again. also i know she's not going to be back reading here until December, so you dudes can go now.


Inno up in here protecting a filthy porn star pffft… Sad times..
Everyone is banned brother. They went through threads and connected peeps, even peeps that didn’t make a comment have been taken out…

Only one person didn’t get perma lmao. Just a joke.. Never playing this crap again.

Hydna is belles mom… Fact, corruption in play, just like Charlie said.
Incredible that a group of leakers don’t understand that things like ip addresses and MAC addresses etc exist. And just because you didn’t say anything on your alts doesn’t mean they can’t be traced back to you. If you’re mad about getting banned, probably shouldn’t be cringe incels.


Have fun

Hixxa asked if you’d add him back on discord lol ?
Lmao! I already know she hates me, for some reason.. not actually sure what or why though. Told me before the only reason she didn’t “eat” me was because Exit asked her not too.. nothing to do with me being in the same alliance lmao

So yeah she knows I’ve not asked her to add me lol old mitch trying cause it lol


I posted before but deleted it because didn’t want to upset mogula that Belle had been in and she didn’t need her help. But belle knows Charlie was here! We all a had a chat Friday night. ;)

View attachment 3905
View attachment 3906

Not go show any of the convo just that to prove to mogula she was in..

Let Belle know I’ve posted this, want her to see

What were the questions you or Charlie asked her for her to say maybe at?

Damn I’ve miss a lot.