Why is it when Charl is in an alliance, that alliance gets ridiculed? Then calls David immature? From my internet experience I have noticed that being immature is more of a point-of-view rather than factual because you can only act mature at certain points and immature at other points and when both will be good is depending on the timing and who takes it the right/wrong way.
It's more immature to insult, or give a negative remark, another alliance before they have a chance to show themselves.
David is fine, imo. Charl on the other hand brags about his skills when he has yet to face anyone with skills. Doing well on the US server doesn't count for much. I've asked some friends if they've wanna join with me and they laughed when I said its on the US servers as they lack skill. Look at SFB on Iota, they're my guys from EN server, they went in and control the server without much of a challenge.