Gold gone wrong #hottiesaretheworstgrepplayersever #thebiggestepicfailever

  • Thread starter DeletedUser14684
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foot you havent conquered any of their cities either though. doesnt that make you scrub equivalent?


Can we ignore this thread from now on? I get so excited when I see people talking in Idalium threads, but then it's just Foot saying people are scrubs with weak arguments and people fueling his senselessness.


Can we ignore this thread from now on? I get so excited when I see people talking in Idalium threads, but then it's just Foot saying people are scrubs with weak arguments and people fueling his senselessness.

What you did not like my definition I found of a scrub, which I think fits Foot to a tee. LOL


and this is why ur a scrub lol. hh have plenty of people that share an island with me. if they werent scrubs, they would have certainly landed in one of my cities already. but they all are severely turtled up for some strange reason lol. there is a reason why i can come on here and call all of u scrubs and there is nothing u can do about it........

carry on scrubs

not that i wanna jump in here but i did land on you lol just dont mean squat unless you hold.


idk why the AD collective is even allowing you to be the spokesperson for their alliance, they have more capable players and im assuming some know how to express their thoughts in a more cohesive and meaningful way
Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.

Translation for uMad/ADs Nasty Foot
I know you won't get it unless I explain. I'm calling YOU and everyone else who came to this server and pretended that you were AD a lemming, which is a rodent that follows each other to their death.

So I doubt they have a better spokesperson, but hey, I actually really enjoy the things that ADs nasty foot has to say. It's basically a cautionary tale of why you shouldn't huff paint or maybe Lotrimin in his case.


Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.

Translation for uMad/ADs Nasty Foot
I know you won't get it unless I explain. I'm calling YOU and everyone else who came to this server and pretended that you were AD a lemming, which is a rodent that follows each other to their death.

So I doubt they have a better spokesperson, but hey, I actually really enjoy the things that ADs nasty foot has to say. It's basically a cautionary tale of why you shouldn't huff paint or maybe Lotrimin in his case.

lulz but we are alive and doing awesome in this server. so a lemming we are not. actually, this wasnt AD's idea at all. it was someone else's. we just decided to troll the entire server and it has worked to perfection. sorry bro. u scrubs are so stupid u just dont get it and that makes me chuckle....

hi Whitey!!!! sorry to hear that u got forced out of vm early along with other a few other people because morg was in siege. i am also sorry she was sitting on myths and didnt even send to help break her own siege(smh). i kinda feel sorry for u now. i am also sorry that u lost another city today because ur alliance are a bunch of scrubs and have no more myths. not sure what u scrubs are doing over there but it isnt working. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. i think u should reach out to AD and see what options u have available before ur alliance is gone. i heard morale is quite bad right now and reading ur forums tickles me.

p.s. who is klum? and can someone please hand him off a city on one of my islands so i can introduce myself?

k thx bai


Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.

Translation for uMad/ADs Nasty Foot
I know you won't get it unless I explain. I'm calling YOU and everyone else who came to this server and pretended that you were AD a lemming, which is a rodent that follows each other to their death.

I ain't no flea bitten lemming!

I am the king of internals...RESPECT!
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no hard feelings here, morg in siege then broken, almighty in double siege then broken, me in siege not broken.. mut in siege and that wont be broken. its a give and take battle i dont like to lose a city but as i have said before it wont be my last. it happens man


not sure what u scrubs are doing over there but it isnt working. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. i think u should reach out to AD and see what options u have available before ur alliance is gone. i heard morale is quite bad right now and reading ur forums tickles me.

This is actually excellent advise for once. I did reach out to AD. He's such a great listener. So kind. So generous. I told him how sad I was that I was such a ghosting scrub. I told him about how terrible my alliance is. We cried together. It was beautiful. Then he gave me this Mut city.


Just gave it away like an internal. You understand, Foot. It's how you get all of your cities. Thanks AD for being so kind in my time of need. I'll never forget it. Kisses.


White Khalifa is also very kind. He's been kind to us 4 times now! Likewise, we wont forget the generosity of your humble leader White Khalifa. Kisses.


so who is going to be first to describe this weekend's madness?


i gotcha beer -
morg -1
whitey -1
Almighty -1
foot - " your all scrubs lulz, #HottiesAreScrubs"

+ a bunch of random takes on both sides sums it up lmao


Yea it was a wild weakened for sure. Cities were coming and going quick like. I actually spent some gold too


i think all the players on our sides who can afford it spent a little LOL its been a fun weekend so far though haha


well well well, please explain to me how u tried to "snipe" my cs, and did not send another attack to bust your siege? u clearly were online if u tried to snipe me. we didnt have much dlu in the city for an hour, u had 2 cities on the island that u had offense in or could easily gold up units. i mean, the writing is on the wall brony......

p.s., dont get quiet scrubs

p.s.s. whats the score? with all the golding and colonizing and staying up for 23 hours a day(lulz), u scrubs are sure losing pretty bad...

p.s.s.s just sayin.......


unfortunately i thought it was an HC as it was 9 minutes out, i talked to that Vjay you call a leader and went back to work with out checking reports. tizzz okay your getting desperate with the ban-shield.. bet that did not work out how ya hoped lmao thats all i got to say on it ^__^


i mean, i can understand why u didnt see all that support rolling in before i landed, but whatever cool story bro. nobody is getting desperate because we are winning and we have taken more of ur cities, then ur entire HH alliance taken our cities lulz.

but anyway, i told u i feel sorry for u because u try really hard and u end up paying for other people's mouth. one day u will disband ur alliance and come to ur senses, until then.....


im really not trying to defend myself on this one as it was extremely stupid on my part, yesterday we updated our LTS thread i had hundreds of supports coming in as you clearly see from your guys hourly HCs LOL

lastly that score is pretty far off ive taken 5 ADs myself and lost 5. it was good on your part though i bite my tongue on this one. This war isnt one sided at all though both alliances are taking cities and our bigger players morg/me/almighty/mut are playing musical chairs with the cities on that island lol

For the Record Here is HH Takes VS losses ( )

And our Feeder HN Takes VS losses ( )

soo idk where you get your numbers from but there ya go.