foot you havent conquered any of their cities either though. doesnt that make you scrub equivalent?
Can we ignore this thread from now on? I get so excited when I see people talking in Idalium threads, but then it's just Foot saying people are scrubs with weak arguments and people fueling his senselessness.
and this is why ur a scrub lol. hh have plenty of people that share an island with me. if they werent scrubs, they would have certainly landed in one of my cities already. but they all are severely turtled up for some strange reason lol. there is a reason why i can come on here and call all of u scrubs and there is nothing u can do about it........
carry on scrubs
Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.idk why the AD collective is even allowing you to be the spokesperson for their alliance, they have more capable players and im assuming some know how to express their thoughts in a more cohesive and meaningful way
Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.
Translation for uMad/ADs Nasty Foot
I know you won't get it unless I explain. I'm calling YOU and everyone else who came to this server and pretended that you were AD a lemming, which is a rodent that follows each other to their death.
So I doubt they have a better spokesperson, but hey, I actually really enjoy the things that ADs nasty foot has to say. It's basically a cautionary tale of why you shouldn't huff paint or maybe Lotrimin in his case.
Lemmings aren't terribly intelligent.
Translation for uMad/ADs Nasty Foot
I know you won't get it unless I explain. I'm calling YOU and everyone else who came to this server and pretended that you were AD a lemming, which is a rodent that follows each other to their death.
not sure what u scrubs are doing over there but it isnt working. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. i think u should reach out to AD and see what options u have available before ur alliance is gone. i heard morale is quite bad right now and reading ur forums tickles me.