Excellent Hooligans


Excellent Hooligans

I plan on making an alliance of experienced players that are extremely loyal and I can work with to achieve a certain goal
World Domination​

I am an experienced player from many worlds and also played on En. servers and some of you might know me , I played in en Athens and almost won in the alliance Triad , since I had such a fun time in Athens that I decided to come here too

If you are interested in joining or you haven't joined already please choose the South West region , where I always am located at , we will start from there and move to the goal



I chose south west as well and landed on your island. But I'm in another alliance already. Sorry


I left that island because I apparently got banned because my little brother that I thought it would be fun to be in the same world with forgot to share the connection , I have to restart all the way over again but im already back where I was , only 200 more points


Dude no double posting. That's one infraction for you mister