Evil Eyes vs. Honey Badgers

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3627
  • Start date


Hey Evil Eyes, how are the Honey Badgers working out for you? Some spoliers they turned out to be. They should have changed their name to Santa's Little Helpers because seems like the best move they made all game was black listing him. All attempts at vengeance at my crew failed miserably, so why have so much hate if you can do absolutely nothing about it? I like the excuses HB use when we take their cities freely. Seems the only spoiling they did was Evil Eyes chances at at Crown. You got the 4 wonders, just barely, a fading academy, a pact alliance that is falling apart, so lets see you get the final 3 without any help, as you said you could do. Good luck in your future of the world.


Hey Evil Eyes, how are the Honey Badgers working out for you? Some spoliers they turned out to be. They should have changed their name to Santa's Little Helpers because seems like the best move they made all game was black listing him. All attempts at vengeance at my crew failed miserably, so why have so much hate if you can do absolutely nothing about it? I like the excuses HB use when we take their cities freely. Seems the only spoiling they did was Evil Eyes chances at at Crown. You got the 4 wonders, just barely, a fading academy, a pact alliance that is falling apart, so lets see you get the final 3 without any help, as you said you could do. Good luck in your future of the world.

Funny how pedestrian EE is when they aren't part of 6 alliances ganging up on one! EE is never getting all 7. The only question left in this world is will they hold onto the 4 they barely managed to build....


Who all is surprised by this?


