

I'm still under protection but would like to understand how to spy upon another.


go to their polis and click their link, an option will appear there for you to send out a must have constructed a cave, and have deposited silver in it to do so. Also, spying on a player will immediately remove your Battle Protection.


Thank you Netizen Steve, you left out a few details though.

Basically spying is a cave vs cave battle where he (or she) who has the most silver in their caves wins... to get a successful spy report you must send more silver than the target has in their cave.

There a two typical types of spying objectives...

The first objective is to drain your targets cave and make it easier for future attempts of success. To do this you send many small level spies (1000-5000+ each) with the purpose of draining the defending cave of that amount until it is empty. Keep in mind that the defending player can restock their cave. Each failed attempt you send will result in a report to the defender. Successful spies are not reported to the defender.

The second is to send a large spy with the objective of not alerting the defender while you get your report. To do this you need to send spies with large amounts of silver in the hopes that you are sending more than the defender has in their cave. This you would need to judge by the player and the city size.

For example... my normal thoughts are any cities that are 3000 point or below match the point value with a slightly higher amount of silver (1000 pt city... 1100-1200 silver). Any city beyond 3000 is a gamble. this being said, I have no idea how many "baby cities" I have taken with a level 10 cave full of silver and hardly anything else built.

Something to keep in mind... once a defender realizes that they are being spied on, they may react. Some will counter spy you, some will outright attack you, some will simply shift defenses around to deal with the potential threat, among other possibilities. Each player will react differently and in their own way.