EN to US


I have played on EN servers for almost four years now and just decided to move over here to the US servers. I Noticed that there are a lot of familiar names here like slobo and jono and would just like to say hi and that I am glad to be here!

I also want to ask you if switching the market and temple with the wall and cave is from an update and in EN or if it is just on the US servers. It really threw me off seeing it.

Finally hi to everyone and I hope we can get along (well enough, this is a war game) and that I hope that this forum comes to life!!


I guess you could call it a battle field if you wanted to, but you can't conquer so it only sort of is :p


There is all kind of Njub Players here but I`m the King :)


Anyone who played EN for a decent amount of time already knows that ;)


I also want to ask you if switching the market and temple with the wall and cave is from an update and in EN or if it is just on the US servers. It really threw me off seeing it.

This was a fairly recent update, it should be on all servers by now.


Thanks, I had been playing EN, but recently quit, right after the update must have taken place, I had the new interface, but I was to the point that I was taking already built up cities so I never really looked in depth at the buildings. It really threw me off when I saw that.


Is it rare for folks to play on multiple servers?

I'm presently on us5, en45 and en54.


Most of the people I know quit the US servers for more balanced EN servers. Although I like the US servers because they don't seemto release worlds as often.