Early Sink Or Swim?


Hes not trying to be a jerk, he really just wants to help you, the rim is easier, you can learn better on the rim...


Uhhh, i'm speaking from experience. I was rimmed twice before I had my break out as a player on En Omicron. It literally took me a year of on and off play to learn the ropes of game play and now i'm apparently viewed as one of the best players here. I probably would never have gone on the right track if I didn't stop trying to lead and accept having a leader first. Because of this, I became a much better player and leader.

First off, calm down. Most of the active posters here will either get rimmed or world hop within the month. I think I can name five posters who are noteworthy and i'll give you a hint only one of them is from Radioactive and tends to be more well spoken to the extent that I actually enjoy our conversations. The others? Well they're the primary reason why I don't think I will ever be a member of RA even if LD got blown out of the water next week. You shouldn't let the external forums get to you or public criticism bother you. There's a lot of people who love me and even more that hate me. You can ask anyone on my island what's been said about me before. Fact of the matter is that when push comes to shove I never let the critics bug me, even if what is said can be true. I simply make note of my mistakes, try to fix them, and move on.

What you did was the right thing. Now, I won't sugar coat it, it was stupid to attempt trying to lead with 18 days of experience and yes your team might pay for it. But they might also come out stronger. The best thing I can advise is to keep going in the world even if you do get rimmed. Don't disband the alliance because one or even ten towns are lost. Just link every rimmed person to your area and have them restart. You'll be stronger for it.



Well thanks. At least someone here can take me seriously and not just rag on me for being new.

Just link every rimmed person to your area and have them restart. You'll be stronger for it.

How do I do this exactly? I tried inviting a few people to start on my island when I started on Juktas, but since they already had accounts it didn't work. They had to pick Southeast and got placed on a nearby island


No problem, I can be a huge prick. But to be honest, new players who are willing to learn don't deserve it. Use a skype room or game PM. You just can't all be in the world. If someone has entered the world, even if they haven't picked a direction, then they are registered and it back fires.


A lot of us aren't being mean at all, we say it how it is. We're trying to answer you and yes on occasion may sound like asses because of it. But in all honesty trying to put things in a nice way everytime really would not get the message across, also putting it nicely takes too long half the time, blunt and to the point works :p.
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it's also the forum version of how what i would guess is the majority of us learned our lessons when we started out. i for one, was not on these forums when i first started playing this game, and as such learned to play by trial (by fire) and error (quite a few). the first 2 worlds i played on i was rimmed mercilessly, and i'll guarantee i'm not in the minority on that one. most of us learned in exactly the same way. you can learn 80-90% of everything there is to know about grepolis in a month, but it's that other 10-20 that will kill you; and that takes quite a while to learn.

a lot of us here may come across as arrogant pricks (i do it myself a fair amount), but there are some valuable lessons hidden within the ridicule. in fact, you will find that a fair number of us are willing to help newer players. if we aren't in your alliance, it's normally by telling you what you should have done as we take your city, but it's still better than nothing. believe me, you will be much happier suffering a little ridicule here than you will starting all over again on the rim or in a new world. it will probably happen to you at some point anyway, because even the "pros" aren't immune to that possibility, no matter what we may tell you here.

you (sparx) certainly made the right call handing over control of your alliance to a more experienced player. whether who you gave control to is a good leader or not remains to be seen, but as a general rule more experienced players tend to do better with leadership since they have a better idea of how an alliance should be run. usually that's by quite a few experiences with how an alliance SHOULDN'T be run. there are exceptions, of course. some people are just naturally good leaders, with or without experience, but they are few and far between. there are also plenty of veterans who make terrible, or at best mediocre leaders. to be honest, there aren't more than 10 or so (and probably not that many) extremely good leaders in the US servers as a whole, and rarely more than a couple on any world.

even those really good ones can only make an alliance as good as the players in it make it. you can have an alliance that (on paper) is clearly better than everyone else, but if the people in it aren't as active as they should be (focusing on another world that is approaching WWs is the usual problem), they aren't any better than anyone else. trust me, i've been there both as a part of one (or 3) and as the founder. you could let me have 20 people of my choosing playing in this world, and we could win a war against any random 500. this is why most vets laugh when people think the big alliances that pop up at the beginning of every server will farm the small experienced groups into oblivion, because those big alliances 99.9% of the time are just that, random and usually inexperienced players who don't know each other. that's why the opposite usually happens, and the smaller groups with players who have known each other for a long time and trust their teammates to help them when they need it dismantle the larger groups within a few weeks. my scenario only works if those 20 are actively involved though. keeping your alliance interested, active, and goal focused; not to mention handling diplomacy with every other group around you (you don't want to end up with too many wars OR PACTS) every single day over the next 18-24 months is pretty much a full time job, and is next to impossible for beginners. it's hard enough for the rest of us.
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Very well put by Nself there :) but yeah even experienced players get ridiculed (perhaps worse in some cases) it's not all on you and don't worry, you're certainly not alone


yeah but now you are going to be made fun of for taking this so seriously :p


but since we are all giving advise i guess i will say something useful. If you are going to take things seriously just stay off the external forums. you can read it for information if you want but probably 80% of posts on this are people trashing each other...mostly just joking around and having fun. There isn't a full fledged reason to be on here other then to have fun. and remember just cause someone says something like "I'm going to rim you first" unless they are near you. don't take it seriously. No decent player will go far out of their way for their first city. I am also a new player starting near the core. I don't plan on being able to survive and compete with the veterans at the core. But i'm trying to learn how to play and then when i eventually get rimmed, hopefully i learned enough to be able to survive and dominate the rim.



You know Johnny, pot really shouldn't call kettle black. Members leaving don't determine an outcome to a fight. The members who left really aren't note worthy at this time.


but since we are all giving advise i guess i will say something useful. If you are going to take things seriously just stay off the external forums. you can read it for information if you want but probably 80% of posts on this are people trashing each other...mostly just joking around and having fun. There isn't a full fledged reason to be on here other then to have fun. and remember just cause someone says something like "I'm going to rim you first" unless they are near you. don't take it seriously. No decent player will go far out of their way for their first city. I am also a new player starting near the core. I don't plan on being able to survive and compete with the veterans at the core. But i'm trying to learn how to play and then when i eventually get rimmed, hopefully i learned enough to be able to survive and dominate the rim.

well put! like i have said a few times i am new as well, and curious to see how the vets do it. this may be my first world but i intend on learning more then what i'm playing. I am already learning a few new things ( that the wiki's don't mention ). some have shown me a few things and charl allowed me into this great pre-made..

why did i go into detail about that silly stuff, just me trying to say yea the vets are good and they are more then willing to teach us newbies. one of the vets has even sent me some resources to help out.. so my advice is sit back, relax and learn what you can while you can.. ;)
talking to sparx

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he was actuallt making a suggestion. sometimes its good to learn on the rim!
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this has been explained several times in this thread alone...quantity doesn't matter, quality does to sum it up.
yeah, but when there are alliances with 60 quality players versus 4 quality players, i think I'm gonna take the 60,


This is still Quality over quantity. Because there is more Quality.

Don't be a smart ass.


There's importance in both. You can have one or two starts going at it alone but if they don't have a set of other players behind them then they're gonna crash. Especially early on.


I know I'm not "experienced" but I do enjoy looking at numbers. And yes I know these aren't concrete figures because they can change so rapidly at this early in the game, but it is something to look at when comparing everyone's "sink or swim."

Here is a breakdown on how the top 20 players are represented by alliance:

Lockdown: 5 in top 20
The Borg Collective: 4 in top 20
Radioactive: 3 in top 20
Eighth Circle: 1 in top 20
Honour and Power: 1 in top 20
The Summit: 1 in top 20
King of Olympus: 1 in top 20
Lords of Chaos: 1 in top 20
FireBreathing Ducks: 1 in top 20
Futurus Sanguis: 1 in top 20
Knights Order: 1 in top 20