Did Innno games Just rob Us ??

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Actually... It was mentioned in one of the threads... I can see how this can be viewed as disingenuous... lol

Standard settings are actually 24 hours/world speed. So that would make the default conquest time 6 hours, however it is also possible that we will go with 8 hours.


I agree. They kept it secret knowing it would annoy people. It's not the type of surprise people would be happy about. Because an educated guess would have told you 6 or 8hrs.
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It does feel like a bait and switch. Why cater to those who won't play this server anyway? IMO these settings were chosen to bring in a certain type of player and they have pulled the rug out.

My guess is that inno feels more units will be lost in longer sieges. AKA... More gold spending. With instant buy and the speeds players will be able to gold entire ls nukes and reach sieges across the world. That is crazy... Just a money spending competition.


It does feel like a bait and switch. Why cater to those who won't play this server anyway? IMO these settings were chosen to bring in a certain type of player and they have pulled the rug out.

My guess is that inno feels more units will be lost in longer sieges. AKA... More gold spending. With instant buy and the speeds players will be able to gold entire ls nukes and reach sieges across the world. That is crazy... Just a money spending competition.
if inno thought of that they are far more clever than i ever thought lol


if inno thought of that they are far more clever than i ever thought lol

You really don't think inno knows the ins and outs of they're game and comes up with ways to make more money? After all they are running a business. Not a charity. Does seem like this world is gonna be a lot more pricey then the others. But should be fun regardless


Gotta say this raises a bit of a credibility issue... or am I just assuming that too?!



Your "correction" to cover yourself was made after the world was already open.
Give me my gold back for wasting my time here.


Your "correction" to cover yourself was made after the world was already open.
Give me my gold back for wasting my time here.

The correction was made after the world opened, but well before anyone landed their Colony Ship. I had made it very clear that the siege time would not be made public until someone landed their CS. You are free to contact support for a refund and we will determine if you qualify.

Except that's not the answer you gave in the other post - FIVE DAYS earlier. Consistency would work wonders.

Additionally I made it very clear from the start that no one would know the settings until the first colony ship landed.



I personally did not ask for a refund, I asked did it not raise a credibility issue if we cannot take what you write as fact. You wrote 6 or 8. No mention of 12. So yes, in my opinion, it does.


Now the cover up begins,, but you Made this post 2 days after the world opened Money and time has been invested that we cant get back .

Please also read the post I made 4 days before the world opened.

I personally did not ask for a refund, I asked did it not raise a credibility issue if we cannot take what you write as fact. You wrote 6 or 8. No mention of 12. So yes, in my opinion, it does.

It was a formatting issue, initially I was just responding to pelion, but decided that it was appropriate to address your concerns as well, I have changed the formatting.


Okay well I think what IS very clear is what you wrote in your reply to Hyper. And the fact that several days later AFTER the world had opened you backtracked. I don't think stating that you corrected the statement before the first CS was landed is even remotely relevant - four days of spending had already occurred by that point, and you have no way of judging how many of those golders spent because they believed what you wrote with regard to it being either a 6 or 8 hour siege time.



That was posted after the world started and after people have already bought gold.

I haven't bought gold here yet so I'm not complaining about cost. However before world opened/before people bought gold it was gonna be 6 or 8 hours.

It does come across like the change to the siege time was at the request of the community and was focused on players originally, so I think calling for people to step down is unwarrented. However what was being asked for, was then altered to something that went against peoples wishes, in order to maximise profits.

I understand it must be difficult to keep a balance between making the money required to run the game/pay peoples wages and keeping people happy so they keep playing. However with all the recent changes being geared to making more money, people are getting irked. I think if this was a stand alone case, then I don't think pepople wouldn't be as mad but with all the recent changes to premium changes people are getting a little fed up with their wishes being totally disregarded. For example there was a petition that went around over multiple servers over yet another prem change asking for warpackages be scrapped and the responce was that you are delaying but still bringing them in despite that community being against it. There really are only so many times that profits can come before players before people start ghosting.


I dropped 25+K gold on my first city, as many of you may have suspected. I for one do not care about the 12 hour conquest times, I actually think its fun! I came to this server like many of you did expecting for the active gold users to be on top, and for the most part they are. I'm just glad I can actually go to sleep now without being worried I'll wake up and have a city gone. 12 hours is actually decently short.
I haven't read any previous posts as to who said what in regards to what the conquest time would be. I did kinda just expect a 6-8 hour conquest time, but I can absolutely see why they made a 12 hour conquest. When a CS TT can be as little as 10 minutes in some cases, if there was a 6 hour conquest time that would be a 6 hour and 10 minute conquest. . I say this with all due respect, you all complain about the 12 hour conquest times until you're the one waking up and your city is gone because you decided to take a little nap and have a life other than Grepolis.

Happy hunting folks!


Hey guys while the Smell of napalm is still fresh on the us45 server you got to think we have been had. You see Inno games just hit us with the Flim Flam of a 12 hour Conquest Inno sold us a Server that is world speed 4 unit speed 3 . These settings would indicate a Conquest time of 6-8 hours. Inno logic dictates 6 but the last Brazilian server was world speed 4 and the CQ time was 8 hours , And after spending 40k gold I am a little upset. I would have not entered this world if I had know it was 12 hour conquest and I believe that Inno has misrepresented the Product that their selling. I hear that it was the choice of the Coma and the admins to Tweak the settings. If this is true the coma should step down immediately or refund all the players that do not want to continue on the server.

Are you serious? Who cares? This is what you are upset about? Give me a break. Does it really make that big of a difference? How many conquests have you been involved in that have been undecided either way after about 2-3 hours max?
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