Combat Reports


so I send troops from 10 of my cities to support another one of my cities... the city gets attacked and I get a main report showing what happened and who lost what troops and how much BP etc... THEN... I get 10 more reports one for each city showing the specific damage to that city and the BP total from the main report... It is almost like spam...

I am I doing something wrong here... live through a few attacks and that easily mounts up to 50 or 100 emails sent to me, when really only one matters... assuming that is how the game works... I dont suppose it would be possible to put that recap on the main report?


What do you mean? All the information is in the main report about what is lost. The rest are a record of what is lost from each individual city. All BP gains should be the same, so you really only need to check one report for that. Also, I question you supporting one city with ten...that doesn't sound like a good idea when you could easily be conquered in another and not be able to send support.

Anyway, you can turn off emails for every report you get too. Maybe submit the idea of excluding the support reports for your own cities via email and allowing all the rest...if that is the problem you are expressing.


hi... I know this is going to be hard to explain as it really is a visual... but you basically got it... yes, I can check just the one report and lets exclude for a second the fact if this is strategically smart as I might have planned for that... here is what I am trying to say

1. you are supporting 1 city with 10 (by design so they arent left in danger, lets assume).
2. five cities attack you in under a 30 sec window (which I have been found to be typical for people to group attacks)
3. I want to see fast results to figure out my next move but 55 icons have just streamed down the right side of my screen. 5 are reports and the other 50 are individual reports, so there is no quick way to deal with that as all the icons are the same, so you cant tell main recap from the individual cities
4. I open my reports screen and there are 6 new (is 6 right?) pages of battle reports of which 5 are relevant and 50 are spam
5. In my gmail I have 55 new emails :(

Now you bring up a good point, that you may want to see what of your supporting cities might have taken a big hit...
1. but cant all that be recapped on the main battle report that you get back?
2. is there an ingame option to only get the main battle report
3. can't the sub reports appear as a dropdown to the main report so when I want to delete I can click 5 boxes instead of 55?
4. after any huge attack, I am checking my cities anyway (and with administrator its even easier) so are all these individual reprts doing anything?

maybe I just dont understand the game yet, I appreciate your response and hopefully this new post is not a confused mess... thanks...


Their is no current solution to your "problem". If you don't want reports emailed to you, you can set it up so they aren't sent, but if you want only one single report recap, you can not do anything about it. You could however voice your suggestion here if you wish.


Well, What you could do is look on the reports tab, usually the support reports are longer and are two lines of text
The actual attack report is one line and has a colored box on the left of it
Sounds stupid but this way you can quickly visually identify the actual attack reports
Hoped this helped


The actual attack report is one line and has a colored box on the left of it

No, they don't. It's only when you have the admin activated. But there's a faster way to recognize attack reports, they are darker than other reports ;-)