Newspaper Calydon Observer~Issue I



By Scipio Africanus I

Table of Contents

  • A Quick Update
  • Interviews/Alliance Maps
  • Fun Section
  • Rumors. Truth or Lies?
  • What Are Your Thoughts?
  • Wheel of Fortune

A Quick Update
World Calydon was open on the 28th of July and the following is the settings.

Created: July 28th, 2015
Status: Open
Settings: Speed - 2; Unit Speed - 1; Alliance Limit - 150; Beginners Protection - 3 days; Conquest, Morale; Disabled

Ever since the world opened, players began to trickle in and form alliances. It has been 2-3 weeks since the world has began and many players are beginning to research conquest and conquering cities. There are wars in the brewing. Alliances are now fighting over cities, both big and small. The following are the top 12 alliances:

The Horde
Cleopatra's Legion
The Horde II
RL Has Bad Graphics
Team No Lack
The Prophets of Hades
Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Asylum
The Militia

Some of the alliances were interviewed while some were not. Now, let's go check out the interviews!


Cleopatras Legion

It has been roughly 2 weeks since the world has opened. What are your thoughts on the world so far?

The Pyramids are building and expanding.

Which alliances do you think will be a threat to your alliance?

All alliances that don't like the song "Walk Like an Egyptian"

Have you declared war on any alliance yet? If so, what is the score?

Egyptians don't like cold regions

Do you believe your alliance will make world wonders?

Yes, 7 pyramids we will do

Any final words to end the newspaper?

نوّرت مصر

Extraordinary Gentleman

It has been roughly 2 weeks since the world has opened. What are your thoughts on the world so far?

Portopolis said:
Their are a few strong alliances to the south of us and as the world grows I expect more alliances on the rim to rise into the top 12. The world so far seems laid back and very few people have reached conquest or are actively taking cities.

Who came up with the name Extraordinary Gentlemen?

Portopolis said:
I did and it comes, from an alliance that I made a long time ago on US Phi, I thought the name was cool so I adopted it and use it every time, I name an alliance.

You are currently ranked 9th on the points ranking but only 15th in total BP. Why is that?

Portopolis said:
The alliance was founded 3 days after the world opened, most of the players spawned on the 4th and 5th days of the world, with a few on the 6th day of the world so technically we are half a week behind as BP let out for a few of our players less than 5 days ago. We also have a lack of large alliances in easy vicinity of us, besides our far out players, their is no need to start an early war with an alliance of similar size when we have less than 5 players conquest ready, so we have just been clearing our islands like everyone else to get our ABP. But then again these are all excuses everyone makes, about low ABP.
DBP, is pretty self explanatory, out here on the rim no one really attacks you.

What alliances do you think will pose a threat to your alliance?

Portopolis said:

How many years of leadership experience do you have?

Portopolis said:
2 years-3 years in total of on and off leadership, currently have been leading on Actium as 2nd in command in Enraged On Your Behalf and have led in Eta, Phi, Omicron, Naxos, Troy, Lamia etc. on most of these worlds I led for at least 1 month and several 4 months plus.

What are your goals for this world?

Portopolis said:
Conquer the NW in general, get 7 islands early and winning WW.

The Smilodon Fatalis
RL Has Bad Graphics

It has been roughly 2 weeks since the world has opened. What are your thoughts on the world so far?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Looks okay, finally started growing.

Who came up with the alliance name, and what was their reason, if any?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Ace and im assuming because the graphics in real life are bad.

What past leadership experience do you have?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
5 years of it starting on EN Theta and recently won US Troy without using diplomacy until near the start of WW.

What are your goals for this world?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
To hit everyone around us so hard that Geno Smith looks on from his hospital bed and says "wow I don't have it so bad after all"

Islands such as Island 178493 are completely occupied by your alliance. Where do they get their BP?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Why quests of course!

Is your alliance a premade?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Yeah I guess you could say that.

What do you mean by that?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Well we are a group of friends who played together before and came together.

To conclude the newspaper, any last words?

The Smilodon Fatalis said:
Swiggity swooty i'm coming for that booty.


It has been roughly 2 weeks since the world has opened. What are your thoughts on the world so far?

dontasky said:
Its only been 2 weeks??? I thought i has been a month lol other than that, if the Horde I II &III don't internally collapse i think we already have this world in the bag. We have about 130,000 more points than the next alliance but points don't matter that much its about skill and we do have a lot of experienced players here. More than i have played with in the past.

Who came up with the alliance name?

dontasky said:
Alliance vote.

What leadership experience do you have?

dontasky said:
I have played for about 4+ years on and off about 8 worlds i believe. I only like conquest. I have just won a world not too long ago with some help from friends and i currently give people advice on what they should be doing.

What are your goals for this world?

dontasky said:
To gain enemies and win the world.

Are there any alliances that you think will prevent you from achieving that goal?

dontasky said:
Right now no.

The Horde beats the next alliance by 45 players(excluding your academies) yet your alliance is only 3rd place in ABP. Why is that?

dontasky said:
Half of our alliance isn't even in the front like me. No one compares to me really where i am located and if they do they are nap

Why did leadership decide to make 2 academies?

dontasky said:
No idea. That idea never came up to me.

What oceans are you in control of?

dontasky said:
All of them.

Is your alliance a premade

dontasky said:

Any final words before we end the interview?

dontasky said:
I like penguins

Fun Section

Rumors. Truth or Lies?

  1. The Horde dissolved one of its academy and put their players in either 1 or 2
  2. RL Has Bad Graphics has a NAP with Team No Lack
  3. Cleopatra's Legion has declared war on THE HORDE
  4. Hammertime has declared war on Extraordinarily Gentlemen
  5. The Asylum is an academy of Refugees

What Do You Think?
Lullulea said:
- Minimum values of gold trade have been changed: Now you have to make a minimum offer of 50 Gold and 2000 resources.

Do you think it's a wise choice? Why or why not?

Wheel of Fortune
-Pick a number between 1 and 100
-If someone already picked that you wanted, pick another.
-Must Play the World Calydon

-Winner gets 2000 silver.

I hope you enjoyed the newspaper. Please + rep if you liked it. If you have any suggestions, please post below. Until next time, Adios!
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Sits back, puts feet up and opens issue one.

Good effort scip, 2 things:

1- Surprised you got a reply from Ingrid :)
2- Every rumour about diplomacy with RL is true, true I tell you ;)

I'll +1 you when (if) it lets me.

Now let the arguments commence.


Great job with the newspaper !

Rumour no 5 , lies :)
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Sits back, puts feet up and opens issue one.

Good effort scip, 2 things:

1- Surprised you got a reply from Ingrid :)
2- Every rumour about diplomacy with RL is true, true I tell you ;)

I'll +1 you when (if) it lets me.

Now let the arguments commence.

We do not have any nap's or pacts. Thanks for trying though supa. AlsI think 50 gold for 2k res being the best ratio is AWFUL.


No no the world thanks you DoT for relaying your alliances diplomacy for all to see.

However ...

Those that know me (and remember the alliance I was in o_O) will know it was a personal joke.

annnnnnndddd moving on
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Even though i do not play this world:

Nice read and thanks for putting in the effort to write it :)



People who are playing Calydon: spread the word about the game and the resource award :)


Great to see that this forum won't be dead like in Ithaca lol :p :D


Nice job! Hope you keep it up. Is this going to be a monthly thing? Would be nice if it was more often since things change on a daily basis.