Bye Bye Myrmaids


So my alliance has been destroying the defense of the Massive MRA coalition of the Myrmidons-162 members weak. Between all of them they scrambled up 500 birs (really (-.-) three of my members can do that) and we smashed them all. Then they started calling on their other Pacts and got another 100 some birs (we smashed those too :) )
So what does this tell you? MRA's are weak whether there are 60 members or 162 members it matters not what really matters is strong active players who work together and not because they are following orders but because they are succeeding together, so this is just a shout out to my guys for some fantastic work, good job guys.
oh and feel free to pick on some of your local myrmaids they are good farms :D
Fail now to learn the lessons that really matter thisisgrepolis


Well they do spread over at least 7 oceans you have to give them a break. it probably takes forever to suppport themselves and at least they made it this far without breaking up into different factions. ;)


They are spread to thin and have a lot of weak players. They do have a few good players so it will be interesting to see where those players end up after they fall apart.