Bush League World


Well we were the number 10 ranked alliance before our merge lol. I could be wrong but i do believe fluff and the wicked few has always been top 5. I know Kill was not. This is just my personal opinion but Kill is playing this game flawlessly. They have very little to no resistance. They are growing faster then any other alliance. Fluff and the wicked few have a little resistance. Kill is growing behind themseleves and now in the core of 54 as well. Give it 1 or 2 months and kill will be able to take on the whole world if they want too (not saying you guys will) but this is just my opinion. Kill is in an perfect situation and over time its only going to get better for them. Kudos to them. I am a very competitive person so can only tip my hat to them. They are using their pacts in the most beneficial way


Well we were the number 10 ranked alliance before our merge lol. I could be wrong but i do believe fluff and the wicked few has always been top 5. I know Kill was not. This is just my personal opinion but Kill is playing this game flawlessly. They have very little to no resistance. They are growing faster then any other alliance. Fluff and the wicked few have a little resistance. Kill is growing behind themseleves and now in the core of 54 as well. Give it 1 or 2 months and kill will be able to take on the whole world if they want too (not saying you guys will) but this is just my opinion. Kill is in an perfect situation and over time its only going to get better for them. Kudos to them. I am a very competitive person so can only tip my hat to them. They are using their pacts in the most beneficial way
You are incorrect here we weren't always in the top 5, unlike most of the alliance here TWF wasn't really a premade, I joined this world by myself and built my team up from scratch eventually getting to where we stand today. At the time that we pact I don't believe we were as high as some have said (could be wrong but think we were 7th when we initial started talks and 4th when it actually happened) you guys forget Lightning Death was ranked in the top 5 for a while before we broke into it. And for those complaining about it I find it funny especially Fight Club seeing as A you guys started the coalitions going pacting with the 4-6 alliance you guys did and B you guy reached out to us for 3 way pact with Kill instead of Fluff but now its pathetic because everyone is losing, I don't get it....


I joined this world by myself and built my team up from scratch.....

this is a lie. check the pre-made section of this forum for proof of the losers he started this world with, and his begging for "highly experienced players who can communicate" then check for yourselves where those losers are now. who creates an account name after their alliance name and claims to be humble, experienced, or smart? why does he want that thread removed now?

I don't believe we were as high as some have said (could be wrong but think we were 7th.....

TWF were the #1 world alliance when I joined them on July 15th, fifteen days after the server began, and had been #1 or #2 since I started the server. 5 days into their alliance, I was booted for suggesting their forum and basic reporting standards were "bush league." offering to fall on my sword and gift cities prior to the convo isn't as badass as booting supposed dissenters and lying about them, is it?

you guy reached out to us for 3 way pact with Kill instead of Fluff but now its pathetic because everyone is losing, I don't get it....

this is because you are a moron who doesn't even use an alarm and allows his troops and loot to be scooped all night long without even mentioning it to your alliance, let alone post reps or be honest about the game with anyone.

the rules specifically state we are allowed to call people cowards, etc because they hide troops from attacks, etc. what are we allowed to call an idiot who doesn't hide his troops or loot, let's his fellow island members get attacked, keeps everything secret including all his failed attacks hitting militia every time, and finally pops his dumb head up like a relieved ostrich in the externals only when he thinks his new annoying nemesis is finally, and actually, gone?


fyi.....Maynard has publically stated that this video should be played in all kindergartens and is free to use as social commentary in public for purposes exactly as this has been.

"Adam does most of the work when it comes to videos and he basically does the same as I do with the lyrics. The videos are his visual interpretations of our music....." Maynard James Keenan

this is what happens when you use the new forum's link feature instead of the media feature btw.....same thing. d'uh.

ain't Milla smart and sexy? ah, ah, aaaawwwwoooooooooooooggggggaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

North End Guinea, indeed.
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