Breakthrough Mechanics


I have lost count of the number of threads put together for this topic, in both internal and external forums, and I have not found a description of the mechanics behind how many TS successfully land. I am not looking for the actual calculation as much as I am curious as to what the dependencies are.

Is it a function of the number of warships sent as escort? Or is it based on the overall attack strength of the escort?

This information would be the difference between me even considering researching this tech. I have a feeling that many of those dissatisfied with this tech are that way only because there is very little documentation available regarding its limitations.

Thank you in advance! ;)
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:( Nobody knows? I guess this is why I can't find any documentation about this tech...


Breakthrough depends on how many ships are in a players harbor, compared to how many attack ships you send with your fleet. A breakthrough attack with 40 ls attacking a city with 100 birs will be much more effective than a break through attack with 40 ls attacking 300 birs.

I am not 100% sure of the formula, but I have always been taught to never launch a breakthrough if there are 3 times as many birs in the harbor as the amount of light ships you have. Again this is advice I have heard and may be inaccurate.

I personally use breakthrough for all of my land unit attacks, incase they try to snipe my OLU nuke I know it will still do some damage, but I always land a LS nuke in front of my OLU even with breakthrough.


So, if it is based on the number of ships sent as escort, wouldn't it be more effective to send birs instead?


After testing this in the simulator, LS are still more effective with fewer numbers than biremes with larger numbers. This leads me to believe that the number of transports to safely make it to shore is not only dependent on the number of warships sent as escort, but also the attack value of the attacking naval force in relation to the defending navy. I have also found that spells such as Favorable Wind and other buffs increase the effectiveness of the escort.

Armed with this, I feel it is safe to say that breakthrough is a fairly useless tech as it calculated now. I would much rather use Heroic Power than Favorable Wind, but would require a larger escort and thereby reduce my land troop size. In the end, if the attack power would be equal no matter which way you flip it (conditions for Favorable Wind vs. Heroic Power), what is the point of its existence at all?


If i research breakthrough for a city is it always on or can i turn it on or off on my attack from that city.


If you research breakthrough it will give you the option to do it or not in an attack. It's like how you can choose to do a revolt attack.