Black Death



First they demand to be you only pact, then they disband the pact cause a member of value left the alliance(?)
Then they are stealing members from our ally and now they are attacking us, from friend to foe in one day!
They accuse us to be MRA, look in the mirror there's a MRA, and to say that im a crapy leader is also an insult and not true.

To come to the conclusion Black Death cant hide it that were jealous of us!!


Dear machinewolfheart,

Please do not start to cry that your best members left to join us because your leadership was awful!

Look at yourself as a player... you have 1050 points? Great leadership skills there of moving forward and helping your alliance members! All members in Black Death have over your points total! They all know how to be part of a team, as teamwork is important in this game! You moan, cry and whine, instead of getting on with the game! If you have a problem, we will meet on the battlefield and we will show you the way we play!

PDJ (Co/Founder of Black Death)


Dear piratedj,

Points have nothing to do how you act as leader.And if they found my leadership awful why they fled to your ally then, we got democracy here instead flexing the power of BD and constantly attacking us,.
Instead you will moan, cry and whine later if the world is growing, we will never bow down to Black Death, never!
Things could be getting interesting because i consider you as our nemesis!


MWH(Founder/Leader of Efilnikufesin)


Good to hear... see you very soon... and remember, Black Death will spread quickly!


their seems to be an alliance with some variation of the name Black Death on every world


their seems to be an alliance with some variation of the name Black Death on every world

Unfortunately, none lead by the leaders from this one!

Machinewolfheart, last message towards you... I will let you grow to a good total before conquering you, 1k really is not worth my hassle, especially as you only have 38 swords in your city and nothing else!!... But take notice, your other LEADER just lost his city... oops! More to fall over next week lol!

Take care




Unfortunately, none lead by the leaders from this one!

Machinewolfheart, last message towards you... I will let you grow to a good total before conquering you, 1k really is not worth my hassle, especially as you only have 38 swords in your city and nothing else!!... But take notice, your other LEADER just lost his city... oops! More to fall over next week lol!

Take care

Big words but we will see, lets fight this like men do and not mice.......nemesis
