Ares Quick Quiz

Silver Witch

Staff member
Hi Mortals,

For those who want to display their Grep expertise and win some gold/Ladons I have a quick and easy (I think) quiz for you.

Post the answers below, No one can see them except you. Prizes will go to those who get the most right but in the event of there being too many winners will be chosen at random.

1 x 2000 Gold
4 x 1000 Gold

10 x Ladon II token

Grepolis Quiz

1. How many ways can you think of to generate favor?

2. What is the name of the US Olympus World?

3. A player with 2 million points attacks a 200,000 point enemy player. Considering morale is active, what is the morale penalty applied to the attacker?

4. The cultural point increase for every cultural level is constant. Answer True or False

5. When building the WW Statue of Zeus, what is the upgrade time for a speed 1 world at level 9?

6. During the Domination era, ghost cities are not counted as part of the cities in the Domination count. True or false.

7. In what circumstance, do researches such as Phalanx or Battering Ram apply to a siege?

8. In which building do I recruit a Hydra?

9. In what circumstance can I see a hydra and a Harpy in the same city?

10. In the Olympus endgame only the besieger of a temple may cast spells on incoming attacks.
a) During a siege. Answer True or false?
b) After the temple is taken. Answer True or false?

11. Any CS city may be used to conquer a city placed under revolt by a given player. However, the city must have Revolt researched. Answer True or false?

12. From the following options, what's the maximum possible amount of days a player can be found under Vacation Mode (VM)?
A) 70
B) 84
C) 98
D) 112

13. If I wish to power up a Hydra attack, what spell should I pick?

14. In Casual worlds Blessed cities under protection can be changed in the Agora anytime, if the city is not under attack or under siege/revolt. Answer True or False?

15. Poseidon has 10 Sirens, 10 hydra and 10 slingers. If we call the slingers Hydra how many Hydra does he have?

The Competition runs until Sat 13th April at midnight.
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Silver Witch

Staff member
Just a hint for question 1 you have to specify the ways to generate favor you dont get any points for just giving a number!

Also for the morale question - consider the points value - how many cities would the player have?

You can edit your answers up until the end of the comp.

Silver Witch

Staff member
Ok Winners and Im being a bit more generous than I said

1st: @Mr. Dino with 20/22 very well done 2000 gold
2nd: @IonGrey , @voagequest @cjh92101 19/22 1000 gold
3rd: @Cottonmouth @jerichoe @t1gro 18/22 here I will give 500 each

Ladon tokens to all the following:
@Al the Conqueror
@The Ravaged

1. How many ways can you think of to generate favor?
Ans: Temple with god, steal it with temple looting, use the daily quest, pop a token/boost, have hero Hercules, Tutorial quest rewards, cancelling myth in queue, Build a Temple of Artemis, other endgame boosts, statue, activate high priestess - max 6 points

2. What is the name of the US Olympus World?
Ans; Pseira 1

3. A player with 2 million points attacks a 200,000 point enemy player. Considering morale is active, what is the morale penalty applied to the attacker?
Ans: Here you had to use common sense morale is 80% with 11 cities - anyone with 200k points has more than 11 cities. 2

4. The cultural point increase for every cultural level is constant. Answer True or False. 1
Ans: True. Most got this wrong. It is always x 3

5. When building the WW Statue of Zeus, what is the upgrade time for a speed 1 world at level 9?
Ans: Here I meant from 9-10 in which case the answer is 89h 26m 00s but I guess the question could be taken as asking for the upgrade time to 9 so I also accepted 71h 13m 00s. 1

6. During the Domination era, ghost cities are not counted as part of the cities in the Domination count. True or false.
Ans: false. 1

7. In what circumstance, do researches such as Phalanx or Battering Ram apply to a siege?
Ans: When these researches apply to the city which sent CS 1

8. In which building do I recruit a Hydra?
Answer: A harbour in a city with Poseidon. 1

9. In what circumstance can I see a hydra and a Harpy in the same city? 1
Ans: A siege in conquest if the cs has either hydra or harpies and the city god has poseidon or hera. So either harpies or hydra with cs and then support which is the other. You would hope that no one sent harpies as support but if the city god is hera its possible!

10. In the Olympus endgame only the besieger of a temple may cast spells on incoming attacks. 2
a) During a siege. Answer True or false?
b) After the temple is taken. Answer True or false?
Ans a) True, b) false

11. Any CS city may be used to conquer a city placed under revolt by a given player. However, the city must have Revolt researched. Answer True or false? 1
Ans: False

12. From the following options, what's the maximum possible amount of days a player can be found under Vacation Mode (VM)?
A) 70
B) 84
C) 98
D) 112

Ans: D 112 days, provided registration date rolls over at the end of the first 56 VM days elapsing, allowing for additional 42 days and 14 premium bought days. 1

13. If I wish to power up a Hydra attack, what spell should I pick?
Ans: Bloodlust or favourable wind. 1

14. In Casual worlds Blessed cities under protection can be changed in the Agora anytime, if the city is not under attack or under siege/revolt. Answer True or False?

Ans: False. Protection change has also a 7d cooldown time. 1

15. Poseidon has 10 Sirens, 10 hydra and 10 slingers. If we call the slingers Hydra how many Hydra does he have?
Ans: Come on guys just because he calls the slingers Hydra does not change the fact they are slingers so 10! 1

The gold I will add - for the token please message me in forum or send a ticket stating which world you want it added.
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