Ally, War, Disband


Not quite time yet, but since we've already got a 'Top 12' and 'Sink or Swim', why not?

If you don't know the rules, you *must* take the previous person's ally, war, disband and rank those, then you also must come up with your own 3 allys for this. I'll start

Ally: SS ATK FAMILY - sounds like there'll be vodka at that party!
War: Savage Subjugation - pre-made, blecht
Disband: The Syndicate - at least so you can re-name yourselves. Don't take a name from an 'en' server unless you bring some players, too.

ok, next guy has to do these 3 and then 3 of his own.
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Ally - Savage Subjugation - not being biased but probably best alliance in this world
War - The Syndicate - they seem like a decent alliance to go to war with
Disband - SS ATK FAMILY - Romanian players, some don't even speak "understandable" English! Disband them! This is AMERICA!, I mean thisisgrepolis! ;)

My Own

Ally - Titans - They look to be a good alliance, STRONG core.
War - Pillars of War - WAR! unless we can all live peacefully on the same islands [; (both work for me)
Disband - Didact - biggest RIM MRA not important at this point.

Did I do this right? lol
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Ally - Savage Subjugation - not being biased but probably best alliance in this world
War - The Syndicate - they seem like a decent alliance to go to war with
Disband - SS ATK FAMILY - Romanian players, some don't even speak "understandable" English! Disband them! This is AMERICA!, I mean thisisgrepolis! ;)

My Own

Ally - Titans - They look to be a good alliance, STRONG core.
War - Pillars of War - WAR! unless we can all live peacefully on the same islands [; (both work for me)
Disband - Didact - biggest RIM MRA not important at this point.

Did I do this right? lol

Yep, you did it right. Next guy's gotta use your 3 then do 3 of his own.


My Take

Ally - Titans - Looks like a good experienced group. Strong core.
War - Pillars of War - WAR! Useless MRA.
Disband - Didact - MRA, there crap.

Ally - Syndicate - Strong, tight war loving group.
War - Savage Subjugation - Worthy opponent, great alliance.
Disband - SS ATTAK - worthless MRA.


Ally - Syndicate - Good alliance with a great average, just not a ton of members so they aren't top in the ranks.
War - SS - Gotta agree, they are worthy opponent.
Disband - SS ATTAK - MRA crap.

Just realized i did the same as u lol


Ally - Titans - Seem like a great alliance with great average
War - SS ATTAK - They got lots of choices to conquer, and will fall easy
Disband - Legion of Death - PURE MRA. Im bigger than their biggest member and I'm not even in the top 100 in the world!


ally - none, i don't like pacts lol
war - titans, the only worthy opponent out of the group
disband - SS ATAK and LoD, both MRA trash

savage sub, titans, tech support


Savage sub- WAR
TITANS- disband, cuz if I see any more gold simming guys , you're dead...and the alliance name "titans" is used way too much
Tech support: ally, there good

SS Attak, Didact, Lockdown


Lockdown--WAR it would be quick and deadly
Ally-- SS Atack so they dont mess with me
Disband-- Didact frickin noobs

Pinky and the Brain, SavageSubs, and Pillars of War


Pinky and the brains- disband...need to get rid of them of their name
Savage Sub-Ally, they're good and there all over my island.
Pillars of war-war...they've messages me once too many times,......wanna prove my worth

Pinky and the brains, SS Attak, and Titans


since a bunch of you did it wrong, im gonna use jack9r9's
Ally - Titans - good alliane, best avg, 2nd best abp
War - SS ATTAK - Useless mra
Disband - Legion of Death - PURE MRA. 'nuff said

my own
Ally: Tech Support
War: titans (the only alliance that can put up a good fight at this point lol)
Disband: Legions of Death/Hell (almost at their second acadamy! yay!)
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Check mate
Ally- Titans
War- Tech Support
Disband- Legion of Death

My own
Ally- Savage Subjagation
War- Titans
Disband- didact

Is that right


Ally- Titans
War- Savage Subjagation
Disband- Didact

Ally - Titans
War - Didact
Disband - SS ATAK


Ally- Titans
War- Savage Subjagation
Disband- Didact

Ally - Titans
War - Didact
Disband - SS ATAK

Ally - Titans
War & Disband - Didact & SS ATAK - it's over, Rocky!

Legion of Death
Federation of Buccaneers
Cronus (who are these guys?)


No SS is not Titanomachy, SS is now Titans, I think like 5 players from SS are in Titanomachy, Meanwhile Titans has over 10