6 players looking for a new alliance O/57


We are 6 players, presently Mercenaries of Rhodes, of which I am the founder, in search of a new alliance, either to merge with or act as a base of operations by becoming your Pact Partner in which case I will remove my entire forum and you can share your entire forum with me after you send the Pact request. We are 1300-2100 in points presently, ranked 8th in our Ocean.


If you are still interested than I have a alliance, we are based in ocean 58 but are expanding pretty fast. We are smaller but well organized ranked 10 in our ocean with number 1 haveing upwards of a few hundred thousand points. If you are still looking post on the Southern Alliances recruiting page its close to the beginning of this forum.


Please expand to 55 and 65! Id love for some more attacks out here.