2nd COMING vs TEE (and others) Comics


Funny Image lolol

In myonia i think the excuse was she was curing cancer for kids while having medical issues herself.... but as soon as she left myonia know where she ended up?

I'll let you know here and if you've read anything i've posted she's and habitual lair... Can someone tell me the excuse is!!! I could use a great laugh

APP runs when the fight gets hard against TEE and another alliance but thinks he can take on my crew who crush them and their 3 allies in myonia lolololol to funny

You are either young or really stupid, man.
Maybe read your own posts and put it together.


You are either young or really stupid, man.
Maybe read your own posts and put it together.

welcome to the forums, I see this is your first post.
Usually on the forums we use intelligence to discuss things, and we back up our thoughts with some kind of proof or facts.
Since you have done neither yet, and can't even do what you're telling ApatheticKing to do your point is invalid.
Again, welcome.