
  1. You Cannot Send Out Any More Resources Than You Own...

    I try to send resources from one city to another and I get an error telling me "You cannot send out any more resources than you own" even though I am sending what is displayed for my resources. I refresh the page and I have the same resources. So then I try to send again and get the same...
  2. Colonising on Home Island

    I would like to know if both of my cities would be able to demand resources from the farming villages if they are both on the same island.
  3. Resources requested thru village management (first use) vanished!

    Enabled Captain & requested 90 minutes worth of production from my 5 farming villages which were all ready to go. Green message banner appeared indicating that all was well; all village timers set to 90 minutes 'till next demand time. But NO NEW RESOURCES turned up in my city's coffers. So...
  4. Alliance Genocide Recruitment

    We are now in the building stage of the alliance. We are in Alpha world ocean 43. We believe in group support but war is on the horizon. We are looking for active players to grow. Contact CovertCriminal
  5. Village Msg: Max Daily Resources Reached

    Tried searching the forums, but didn't find anything about this... I now get this message when trying to farm one of the six villages I can farm. "The maximum daily amount of resources for this village has been reached." I've never encountered this message before. I actually farm all...