In reports of attacks, you get told how much Booty you earned as two figures eg 334/1200. On some of these the two figures are the same (eg 1200/1200) but on others it can be a big difference (eg 250/1200).
What does the second figure represent and what determines how close you get to it?
One of my alliance mates is playing on his phone, and he is not able to publish reports of any kind. The publish button does not show up anywhere. To be clear he has spied and attacked successfully, so he should be able to publish them. Does he need some kind of app or is this a bug. The phone...
World: Theta (US9)
In Game Name: Heliodoros
Have check the known bugs list: Yes
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: Yes
Have you tried a diffrent connection: Yes
Full Version or Mobile Version: Both
Browser and Version...