colony ship

  1. CS failing after city sieged

    As my city was under attack, I sent out a Colony Ship to found another new city. The city I sent it from was then sieged and taken over, and now I can't check the colonization progress, but I'm pretty sure it should be done by now. Does the colonization immediately fail if the city the CS was...
  2. 2 CS image shapes

    In city view I can see a colony ship in the harbor at the bottom of the screen (if I have one). I have seen two different shapes it can take: 1. Fat with billowing sails ready to go, and 2. Skinny with a lot of oars but no sails I believe one reason for shape 2 is that one does not have...
  3. Colony Ship

    The current situation: My city is being conquered right now, but I sent out a colony ship beforehand. My colony ship will land at the new location and begin founding a city before my current city is taken, but the foundation will not be completed until after the city is taken. My questions...
  4. Can't build colony ship

    I have all resources reqs. met. But when go to harbor, I have 0 next to ship needed resources. Please advise