Would someone mind explaining COSA to me. I get that all the southern alliances merged, but now what, you have 5 alliances, only 1 wins. I get having 2 alliances, people will quit, but 4 alliances won't. So then a major/main for all the biggest players, I have a feeling that they are already...
Green Arrow had some In-Game Problems as battles are starting in 66.
1) In a month, I hope The Plague Co. will consolidate his positions in OC54. Considering the world configurations and our number, it would be crazy to go to another ocean.
I still expect recruiting a few...
Hello fellow players,
My alliance is currently looking for players to assist us in taking over the world. All players are welcome, but we aren't a MRA, so we will only accept the first 25 requests. We need a few more experienced players, but we will also train new players if you cannot...
all welcome
athensathens alliance
ocean 45