Titan Quest


Titan Quest

Zeus has a spy on Mount Othrys that is providing information about which titans are siding with the Olympians, which ones are siding with Cronus, and which ones are staying out of the conflict. The spy has to encrypt the information in case it is intercepted while it is being transported. You, one of the best scholars of Greece, have been summoned by Zeus to help uncover where all the Titans stand. You must decrypt the information so it may be used by the Olympians.

First place in the Titan Quest will be rewarded 2000 gold + a special trophy "Titan Quest: Master Decrypter" + the title "Master Decrypter"
Second place in the Titan Quest will be rewarded 1500 gold + a special trophy "Titan Quest: Master Decrypter" + the title "Master Decrypter"
Third place in the Titan Quest will be rewarded 1000 gold + a special trophy "Titan Quest: Master Decrypter" + the title "Master Decrypter"

-Note these prizes will NOT be awarded until all 9 quests have been completed.

*To win the entire competition, you must submit a master list of all the titans and which side each one is on (you must do this once you are asked to do so). Winners will be randomly selected from all submissions

If anyone is caught posting answers, he/she will be disqualified.
Please put the account name you would like the gold on in the post with your response.

*Since discussion regarding answers is prohibited, those who have submitted correct answers will receive a private message that will say which side the titan is on for that quest (which is half of the answer). You are still responsible for figuring out the name. Late submissions will receive NO confirmation.

The first quest will be posted later today. Please note the reward amount will increase over time, but the quantity of rewards will decrease.


Quest I: Burden of the Sky

In this quest, this information has been masked in a word search as well as two scrambled sentences. 10 random players to get this correct will receive 250 gold. All correct submissions will receive the trophy "Burden of the Sky". You may submit your answers here. You have until July 30th to finish the quest. Remember, you must complete ALL objectives in order to have a correct response. Partial submissions will not be accepted.


  • List every word from the word search.
  • Unscramble the sentences to see how the words are related (use this relation to figure out the titan's name) and which side the titan is on.
  • List the name of the titan and which side he is on.


*Note all the words you need to find are GREEK, not English.

lal eshet dorws rae ilcrhned fo htsi tnait. htis niatt ash dised hiwt onrcus.

Word Search Answers


Other Answers
Siding with:
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Quest II: Heavenly Light

In this quest, this information has been masked by encrypting the name of this titan with a number code. 10 random players to get this correct will receive 250 gold. All correct submissions will receive the trophy "Heavenly Light". You have until July 31st to finish the quest. Remember, you must complete ALL objectives in order to have a correct response. Partial submissions will not be accepted. Please submit your answers here.


  • Complete all 26 mathematical equations
  • List what each letter is equal to.
  • Unscramble the numerical codes.
  • List the name of the titan and which side he is on.


5 9 2 7 4 8 11 16

40 5 8 21 | 40 8 40 1 16 | 8 21 | 21 8 19 7 19 | 36 8 40 5 | 17 4 11 16 42 21

A = 1*1
B = 5+1
C = 6+11
D = 7+12
E = 3+4
F = 7*7
G = 5*5
H = E-2
I = 4+4
J = 7+8
K = 10+20
L = 20-0
M = 30+2
N = 8+8
O = 5+6
P = 1+1
Q = 20+4
R = 2*2
S = 7*3
T = 8*5
U = 7*6
V = 5*7
W = 7+29
X = 7*8
Y = 6+3
Z = 100-50

Other Answers

Siding with: